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Trump says prosecutor likely to charge him is radical Democrat, Soros-funded

By Sarah May on
 March 20, 2023

With former President Donald Trump predicting over the weekend that he will be arrested on Tuesday on an indictment set to be issued by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, much attention has turned to the prosecutor himself, someone a Trump spokesman described as a “George Soros-funded Radical Democrat” operative, as the Daily Mail reports.

Trump made headlines on Saturday morning when he took to his Truth Social platform to declare that based on “illegal leaks from a corrupt & highly political” prosecutor, he had reason to believe that his arrest was imminent, according to Fox News.

Soros links highlighted

In blasting what he says is a political witch hunt, Trump leveled sharp criticism at the Manhattan DA's office, stating that it “has allowed new records to be set in violent crime & whose leader is funded by George Soros,” referencing the progressive billionaire philanthropist known for funneling vast sums to far-left issues and candidates.

As the Mail points out, during his 2021 re-election campaign, Bragg was the recipient of significant financial support from a Soros-linked PAC, arguably lending support to Trump's claims.

The Color of Change PAC, affiliated with the largest online racial justice advocacy group, was given $1 million by Soros, and in turn, bolstered Bragg's campaign coffers.

That Soros money was used to fund Bragg's campaign is not surprising, considering the fact that he spearheaded a $40-million push to secure the election of a host of progressive district attorneys in large cities across America, with author Matt Palumbo telling Fox News earlier this year that he achieved “more than a 90% success rate” with the candidates he has championed of late.

Republicans speak out

Though there has been no movement on a Trump arrest or indictment as of yet, a number of high-profile Republicans spoke out on the possibility over the weekend, slamming what they see as the hypocrisy, double standards, and weaponization of the justice system at play.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA-20) lashed out on Saturday, saying, “Here we go again – an outrageous abuse of power by a radical D.A. who lets violent criminals walk as he pursues political vengeance against President Trump,” as the Mail further noted.

“I'm directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy by interfering in elections with politically motivated prosecutions,” McCarthy added, presumably referencing Trump's already-declared 2024 presidential candidacy.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) added his voice to the chorus of condemnation of Bragg, saying, according to Fox News, that in New York City, “you're lucky if you don't get mugged on the way to where you're going. Is this really the most important thing going on in Manhattan? I think this is an effort that's ongoing, never ending to destroy Donald Trump, everything around Donald Trump.”

Strength of case questioned

Despite Bragg's apparent enthusiasm for indicting Trump over a hush money payment made to former adult film star Stormy Daniels, a number of legal experts have expressed skepticism about the wisdom of such a move, with the New York Times admitting that the potential charges were founded on an “untested and therefore risky legal theory.”

More biting in his assessment of the prospective case was George Washington Law School professor and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley, who said, “One would say Bragg is outside of his lane, but in this case, he's on a completely different highway.”

“This is an effort by a state official to effectively prosecute a federal crime, a crime that the Department of Justice decided not to pursue,” Turley said. The legal scholar further noted that the charges may no longer be timely, adding, “I think Bragg is out of time. The statute of limitations is about two years on this offense. That has already run. You can extend it to five years if you connect it as a felony to another crime. Even at five years, I'm not sure the time has not run out. So there's going to be some very intense challenges here.”

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy also slammed what appears to be the case against the former president, saying, “Bragg is engaged in bare-naked politics. This case is not merely unworthy as a prosecution of is also a case that everyone knows Bragg would never bring against anyone other than Trump...[t]his is classic, invidious selective prosecution.”

Bragg, undeterred

Despite the backlash he has already received from Trump, several top Republicans, and rank-and-file voters contemplating various forms of protest in response to an arrest, should one occur, Bragg remained unbowed over the weekend, expressing his determination to proceed as he sees fit.

As the Associated Press noted, Bragg sent a memo to his staffers Saturday evening in which he appeared to respond to Trump's weekend social media activity and the possibility of protests without mentioning the former commander in chief by name.

“We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York,” said Bragg, referencing what he called “press attention and public comments” related to the rumored activities within his office.

Whether Trump's predictions about a Tuesday arrest prove accurate and just how substantial any subsequent protests launched on his behalf may be, only time will tell.