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Trump slams Meghan Markle for disrespecting Queen Elizabeth II

By Sarah May on
 May 4, 2023

With the historic coronation of King Charles III just days away, former President Donald Trump held forth this week on a range of topics related to the British Royal family, taking particular aim at Meghan Markle, as the New York Post reports.

Speaking with conservative British politician and television personality Nigel Farage during a Wednesday interview, Trump weighed in on the “disrespectful” attitude he believes Markle – the wife of Prince Harry – displayed toward the late Queen Elizabeth II toward the end of her reign.

Trump Blasts Markle

Speaking with Farage about Saturday's coronation ceremony, Trump touched on the topic of the couple also known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the controversy they have courted since departing Britain to start a new life in America.

Singling out Markle, Trump opined, “I think she has been very disrespectful to the Queen. How can you be so disrespectful to the Queen?”

Trump continued, “[The Queen] was incredible, for decades and decades she never made a mistake. I cannot think of a mistake she made, she was never controversial.”

“You cannot be disrespectful to her, and I think Meghan was very disrespectful to her, very disrespectful,” the former president added, presumably referring to the incendiary allegations leveled by Markle at the Royal family in a headline-grabbing interview with Oprah Winfrey, a six-part Netflix docuseries, and similar projects in which she is rumored to have played a key role.

Harry Not Spared

Trump's scorn did not end with Markle, however, as he also offered a less-than-flattering take on her husband, Prince Harry, as the U.K. Independent reported.

In terms of the coronation festivities themselves, Trump stated, “I was actually surprised that Harry was invited, to be honest."

Going on to reference Harry's recent memoir, Spare, in which the duke aired voluminous grievances and lobbed scandalous accusations against his own family, Trump mused, “He said some terrible things...the book was me, it was horrible.”

All of that aside, Trump said he was looking forward to coronation, which he believes is poised to be a “great day,” with King Charles and Queen Camilla sure to “do a great job.”

Blunt Critique

As the Independent further noted, Trump's chat with Farage was by no means the first occasion on which he has made his feelings known about the Sussex duo.

Roughly a year ago, Trump sat down with Piers Morgan, as the Independent reported at the time, and pulled no punches in terms of his thoughts on the couple.

In the former president's estimation, the union of Meghan and Harry is likely on borrowed time and will end in acrimony once the Duke of Sussex “decides he's had enough of being bossed around” or when the duchess “decides that she likes some other guy better.”

“I'm not a fan of Meghan,” Trump added, “and I wasn't from the beginning. Poor Harry is being led around by his nose. And I think he's an embarrassment.”

Wishing Harry Luck

The apparent ill will between Trump and the Sussexes goes back all the way to the 2020 election campaign, as the Daily Mail noted at the time, when the pair recorded a video message viewed by many as a thinly veiled endorsement of then-candidate Joe Biden.

Their decision to wade into American politics prompted Trump to declare of Markle, “I'm not a fan of hers. I would say this – and she has probably heard that – I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he's going to need it.”

Royal insiders expressed concern over the pair's remarks, with one opining that the two had “crossed a line,” and Buckingham Palace took pains to state publicly that “the duke is not a working member of the royal family” and that his remarks were issued “in a personal capacity.”

Trump, for his part, appears to have fully accepted that official disclaimer, given his evident enthusiasm for the formal start of Charles' reign on Saturday, an event at which Harry will reportedly only make an extremely brief appearance, with Meghan remaining stateside.