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Trump Speculates On Biden's Odd Behavior During Speech In France: 'It's Not Good'

 June 9, 2024

During a recent commemorative event in France, President Joe Biden displayed perplexing behavior that has sparked widespread discussion.

A video of President Biden hesitating between sitting and standing at a D-Day ceremony -- and his wife Jill's reaction -- has fueled debate over his fitness for office, with former President Donald Trump now weighing in, as the Daily Mail reports.

The ceremony, held in Normandy, France, marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day. This significant date recalls the Allied invasion during World War II, aimed at liberating Nazi-occupied France.

Amid the solemn observances, President Biden's actions captured attention. The footage shows him next to French President Emanuel Macron, seemingly unsure whether to sit or stand.

As the event unfolded, Biden bent awkwardly, maintained a squatting stance briefly, and bobbed slightly, which coincided with an announcement introducing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Concern Visible Among Attendees

Visible concern was evident on the faces of those close to Biden. First lady Jill Biden was seen whispering to her husband, while Brigitte Macron, the French President’s wife, looked on with a worried expression.

At the event's conclusion, Jill Biden assisted her husband offstage, where he appeared to walk with stiffness and relied heavily on her support.

The video quickly spread across social media, leading to various speculations about the president's health, especially given his advanced age, with Biden set to turn 82 this November.

Trump Criticizes Biden's Performance

Reacting to the incident, former President Donald Trump did not hold back. In a TikTok interview posted by right-wing activist Charlie Kirk, Trump labeled Biden "the worst president in history" and criticized his actions at the international event.

"He goes over to France, and something happened and it's not good, I don't know what it is," Trump stated, suggesting an undisclosed issue behind Biden's behavior.

This incident adds to a history of public gaffes by President Biden, which his critics often highlight to question his capability to lead.

Broader Reactions and Speculations

The incident did not just attract comments from political figures. Online discussions about Biden's capacity were fueled by Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville's post on X (formerly Twitter), featuring an unflattering photo of Biden at the ceremony and calling him an "EMBARRASSMENT" to the country.

Furthermore, another video surfaced showing Biden turning to watch a service member playing taps on a bugle while others, including D-Day veterans and the Macrons, looked in a different direction.

Concerns about Biden's memory and attention to detail were also echoed in a report by The Wall Street Journal, which cited instances of the President struggling to remember meetings and policy details.

Global Attention on Presidential Health

The public scrutiny extends beyond the borders of the United States, reflecting on how presidential health is a matter of global concern, particularly when it involves key figures from major world powers.

Kirk's commentary on X also drew significant attention: "Yikes! At an Omaha Beach event honoring the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion, Dr. Jill Biden quickly escorts Joe Biden away leaving a seemingly perplexed French President Emmanuel Macron to honor WW2 veterans alone."

The blend of personal health and public perception creates a complex narrative around leadership and age, spotlighting the intense scrutiny faced by public officials.

In conclusion, President Biden's recent appearance at the D-Day commemoration has reignited discussions about his health and suitability for office. While some view his actions as minor missteps, others see them as indicative of deeper issues. The reactions from various public figures and citizens alike underscore the ongoing debate over the physical and cognitive demands of the presidency, particularly as they relate to an aging leader.