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Trump Targets Biden Coalition by Addressing Minority Job Impact of Illegal Immigration

 June 21, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has set his sights on immigration issues as part of his 2024 campaign, alleging that a surge of illegal immigrants is harming the job prospects of Black and Hispanic Americans.

In campaign speeches, Trump contends that the recent influx of illegal immigrants has had a significantly negative effect on minority job opportunities, a claim disputed by Democrats who affirm the robust state of the U.S. economy under President Joe Biden, as the Washington Times reports.

Trump specifically highlighted this issue during a campaign stop in Detroit, a predominantly Black city. According to Trump, President Biden's administration has allowed about 5 million newcomers into the country, resulting in what he describes as "border chaos." Trump encouraged voters to hold Biden accountable for this perceived mishandling of immigration.

Claims of Job Competition Among Immigrants, Minorities

In support of Trump's assertions, Steven A. Camarota, a demographer, stated that new workers, both legal and illegal, often compete with less educated Americans for jobs.

"The immigrants are the big beneficiaries, but the losers tend to be — especially in terms of illegal immigration — Americans at the bottom end of the labor market, and African Americans are disproportionately at the bottom end," Camarota said.

A House Budget Committee report echoed Camarota's concerns, indicating that immigrants, regardless of their legal status, have filled half the jobs created in the U.S. economy since October. This report also noted that since 2019, the foreign-born workforce has increased by 3 million, while native-born workers have only increased by 1 million.

Democrats, however, challenge Trump's viewpoint, pointing out the current strength of the U.S. economy. With an unemployment rate of 4% in May, they argue that the labor market remains robust. According to Rep. Gwen Moore, Biden's policies have led to substantial growth in Black-owned businesses and significant wage growth among the bottom 80% of workers.

Democrats Take Issue with Trump’s Narrative

Moore directly refuted Trump's and Camarota's claims, calling them "a scapegoating lie." She argued that immigrants actually sustain the economy and prevent workforce shortages. "In reality, a realm in which Donald Trump does not care to visit, immigrants buoy the economy and prevent workforce shortages," Moore stated.

Biden's campaign did not respond to requests for comment on Trump's remarks, though Biden's allies generally argue that immigration strengthens the U.S. economy.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported the arrival of 2.4 million new immigrants in 2023, predicting a similar number for 2024. According to the CBO, this surge is expected to boost the GDP by nearly $9 trillion over the next decade.

The CBO report also stated that while the influx of new workers might depress wages, especially for those with a high school education or less, highly educated workers often benefit from the increased demand generated by these less-educated workers.

Impact On Minority Voters and Political Strategies

Trump's comments come as polls indicate a decline in Biden's support among Black voters compared to the 2020 elections, where Biden carried Black voters by a large margin. Trump believes that drawing attention to immigration issues and their alleged impact on job opportunities could help attract more Black and Hispanic voters to his campaign.

Representing a contrasting view, Moore emphasized that Trump is merely exploiting immigration issues to create division within communities. "Donald Trump is not interested in solving any issue for Black communities. This is just a clumsy tactic to pit communities against each other," she said.

As the political battle over immigration and job opportunities continues, the divergent narratives from both parties highlight the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the issue.

While Trump targets the perceived negative impacts of immigration on minority job prospects, Democrats stress economic indicators to defend current policies and assert that immigration is a beneficial economic force.


In summary, former President Donald Trump has leveraged immigration concerns to argue that an influx of illegal immigrants harms minority job prospects, a claim disputed by Democrats who highlight a strong economy and low unemployment.

This discussion gains particular relevance as it coincides with a noted decrease in Black voter support for President Biden, with contrasting views from experts and legislators adding layers to the complex debate.

As the political climate heats up, both sides continue to use immigration as a significant focal point in their narratives.