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Trump warns world on brink of global war due to Biden’s weakness

 January 29, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has sounded an alarm over the increasing global tensions, attributing them to the current administration's policies.

Trump emphatically stated that the world is nearing a third global conflict, citing a recent attack in Jordan that resulted in the death of three American soldiers.

He squarely blamed President Joe Biden's approach, describing it as marked by "weakness and surrender," as the Daily Mail reported.

This strong accusation came in the wake of a drone attack near the Syrian border, a situation Trump insists would not have occurred under his leadership.

Biden Administration's Retort

Biden administration deputy press secretary Andrew Bates has taken issue with attempts to politicize national security in response to these accusations.

Bates emphasized the administration's commitment to decisive action against threats, noting President Biden's prompt response to the attack's perpetrators.

He criticized far-right Republicans for their stance, pointing out their failure to criticize similar incidents under the previous administration.

Bates stressed the importance of bipartisan support in confronting Iran and criticized the opposition for their leniency towards Iran's involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

Media Critique and Analysis

Max Boot, a columnist known for his anti-Trump stance, argued that the administration needs to adopt a more aggressive approach similar to Trump's 2020 drone strike that killed Major General Qasem Soleimani.

Boot suggested that while the strike did not completely halt Iranian-backed militia activities, it significantly disrupted their operations.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board echoed this sentiment, expressing dissatisfaction with Biden's handling of the continuous proxy attacks on U.S. forces. The board warned of the potential political repercussions, drawing parallels to the challenges faced by former President Jimmy Carter during the Iran hostage crisis.

Calls for Stronger Action

Amidst this unfolding situation, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has urged the Biden administration to undertake a forceful response against Iran.

Highlighting the urgency, Graham called for significant strikes inside Iran as both a reprisal and a deterrent. His statement reflects a growing sentiment among some officials for a more assertive stance against Iran's aggressive actions in the region.

The Escalating Middle Eastern Tensions

The recent drone attack in Jordan, near the Syrian border, has been attributed to Iranian-backed forces, underscoring the escalating conflict in the Middle East. This Attack adds to the ongoing strife in the region, including the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and the exchange of airstrikes between Iran and Pakistan.

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul has criticized the Biden administration for its leniency towards Iran, which he believes has encouraged the country's proxy activities in the Middle East.

Trump's and Biden's Statements on the Attack

In a statement, former President Trump expressed his condolences for the American service members lost in the Jordan attack.

He said, "This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden's weakness and surrender."

Trump added, "This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance - Just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the War in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have Peace throughout the World. Instead, we are on the brink of World War 3."

President Biden, on his part, mourned the loss of the service members and assured a continued fight against terrorism, emphasizing the bravery and sacrifice of the fallen soldiers.