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Tucker Carlson is preparing for war against Fox News as he negotiates his exit

 May 8, 2023

Ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson is reportedly preparing for a "war" against his former network as he plans his next career move.

The 53-year-old was fired from the network last month after 14 years without any explanation.

Despite the termination, Carlson's contract, which pays him $20 million a year, expires in January 2025, preventing him from joining rival networks or starting his own.

Tucker's Fight for Freedom

Carlson's attorney, Bryan Freedman, told Axios that the notion of silencing Carlson and preventing him from addressing his audience is "beyond preposterous."

Sources and friends close to Carlson claim that his allies at rival platforms are gearing up to attack Fox News on his behalf.

According to an unidentified friend of Carlson's, they are now switching from a quiet approach to a more aggressive one, with the former host's team preparing for war to regain his freedom.

Potential New Ventures

Carlson is reportedly being contacted by Rumble and Newsmax, both of which are said to have agreed to pay him more than he was making at Fox. He has also talked with Twitter CEO Elon Musk about potential collaboration.

Additionally, Carlson is considering building a direct-to-consumer media outlet, which would enable his millions of fans to pay to watch him.

After being fired, Carlson had promised his fans, "See you soon," hinting at his return in a video posted on his Twitter page.

Speculations Surrounding Dismissal

Since Carlson's dismissal, numerous rumors have surfaced regarding the reasons behind it.

These include claims about his texts that emerged in the wake of Fox's $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems, some of which showed that he hated Trump.

Other rumors suggest that he may have been fired over a gender discrimination suit filed by a former female booker on his show.

After Carlson's departure, Fox News experienced a rating slump as many former host fans left the network.

Carlson's Public Appearance

Carlson made his first public appearance on Thursday since being fired at the Oxford Performing Arts Center in Oxford, Alabama.

Speaking at the annual fundraiser for Rainbow Omega, he joked about being the first unemployed person to be invited to speak at the event. He also mentioned not realizing how much free time he would have when he accepted the speaking engagement six months prior.

In the meantime, the conservative audience that once tuned in to Fox News for Tucker Carlson's commentary awaits his next move.

Whether it's a direct-to-consumer media outlet, a partnership with another right-leaning platform, or a return to Fox News, one thing is clear: Carlson's influence in conservative circles remains strong, and his followers eagerly anticipate his return to the spotlight.