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Tulsi Gabbard Says She is Open to Joining Trump’s Administration

 September 18, 2024

Former Democratic congresswoman and military veteran Tulsi Gabbard recently indicated she would be open to serving under a potential Donald Trump administration.

Gabbard, who has been outspoken about her foreign policy views, emphasized her interest in being chosen to work on national security and diplomatic matters in a possible Trump White House, marking a significant shift for Gabbard, who has previously held prominent positions within the Democratic Party, as Fox News reports.

Now more aligned with conservative perspectives, Gabbard criticized Democratic leadership for escalating conflicts, particularly in Ukraine, and expressed willingness to work with Trump to resolve these issues. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Gabbard stated she would "be honored to serve" in a potential Trump administration, particularly in roles related to foreign policy or national security.

Her experience includes serving as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and completing two military tours in the Middle East, making her well-versed in defense and international relations.

Criticism of Current Democratic Leadership

Gabbard’s willingness to work with Trump stems from her growing disillusionment with the Democratic Party, where she once held a prominent role as the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). She has distanced herself from the party in recent years, citing differences over civil liberties, freedom, and peace.

She criticized Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden for their handling of the war in Ukraine, calling out their reluctance to engage in diplomacy. According to Gabbard, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which she believes could escalate into a larger global crisis, requires a diplomatic approach, something she claims Harris has refused to pursue.

"President Trump did in his last administration what President Obama and President Biden refused to do," Gabbard said, pointing out Trump's willingness to engage with adversaries to avoid war.

Focus on Diplomacy and Avoiding War

Gabbard, a staunch advocate for diplomacy, stated that war should always be the "last resort." She has repeatedly spoken out against what she views as the growing influence of the military-industrial complex and the risk of global conflict. Her focus, if she were to join a future Trump administration, would be to mitigate these risks, particularly by working to prevent World War III and nuclear war.

She also noted that the current trajectory of U.S. foreign policy, particularly under the Biden administration, is contributing to an increased likelihood of a catastrophic conflict. "The longer this war goes on," she said, referring to the war in Ukraine, "the greater the risk we are of a potential nuclear war, World War III."

A Shift Toward Conservative Politics

Gabbard’s shift away from the Democratic Party has been gradual but steady. She previously supported progressive candidates like Sen. Bernie Sanders and even endorsed Joe Biden during the 2020 election. However, her views on foreign policy, civil liberties, and national security increasingly diverged from those of the party's leadership.

During her interview, she acknowledged the shift many former Democrats, including herself, have experienced. "There are a lot of people who I meet every day who are former Democrats or leaving the Democratic Party," she said. Gabbard believes the party no longer stands for the core principles of freedom and peace that it once did.

Potential Role in a Future Trump Administration

If Gabbard were to join a Trump administration, it would not be the first time she has worked alongside Republicans. Following her break with the Democratic Party, Gabbard briefly joined Trump’s transition team. Her experience and military background make her a strong candidate for roles in national security or foreign policy, areas she has repeatedly emphasized as her key interests.

"I feel I can make the most impact in these areas of national security and foreign policy," Gabbard said, referring to the potential changes she could bring in a future administration.

Gabbard’s Foreign Policy Priorities

Gabbard has been a vocal critic of the U.S.'s involvement in prolonged military engagements and has called for a more restrained approach to foreign intervention. Her priority, as stated in her recent comments, is to reduce the influence of the military-industrial complex and promote peace through diplomatic means.

One of the key issues she has highlighted is the need to avoid escalation in conflicts like the one in Ukraine. Gabbard supports Trump’s plans to bring an end to the war, which she sees as critical to preventing a broader conflict. She has consistently argued that diplomacy, not military action, is the only path forward for global stability.

Criticism of Kamala Harris and Biden

Throughout her statements, Gabbard has been particularly critical of Vice President Kamala Harris. She accused Harris of failing to engage in the "tough work" of diplomacy and instead contributing to the escalation of the war in Ukraine.

"It is unconscionable and unacceptable that Kamala Harris and others who are continuing to escalate [the war in Ukraine] are so flippant about the reality of nuclear war," Gabbard said. She believes that the current administration's approach to foreign policy is dangerously short-sighted and increases the likelihood of a global conflict.


Tulsi Gabbard’s willingness to join a potential Trump administration represents a significant departure from her Democratic roots.

Her focus on national security, diplomacy, and the avoidance of nuclear conflict aligns closely with Trump’s stated foreign policy goals.

As she continues to criticize the Biden administration and Kamala Harris for their approach to global diplomacy, Gabbard positions herself as a potential key figure in shaping future U.S. foreign policy under a different leadership.