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Turkish Nationalists Attack U.S. Marines in Izmir

 September 3, 2024

In a shocking incident on Monday, a group of Turkish nationalists ambushed and assaulted U.S. Marines stationed in Izmir, Turkey. The altercation led to the swift arrest of 15 individuals by Turkish authorities.

The attack occurred as U.S. Marines from the USS Wasp were onshore, with their presence drawing the ire of the Youth Union of Turkey, a group aligned with the nationalist Vatan Party, as Fox News reports.

The Marines, dressed in civilian clothing, were reportedly caught off guard by the assailants, who began chanting anti-American slogans.

Video footage of the incident captured the chaos as members of the Youth Union of Turkey surrounded the Marines, yelling, "Yankee, go home!" One attacker even threw a plastic bag over a Marine's head, a symbolically charged act meant to humiliate the serviceman. The Marines were seen calling for help as the situation escalated.

U.S. Embassy Confirms Marines' Safety

The U.S. Embassy in Turkey quickly addressed the incident, confirming the safety of the Marines involved. "We can confirm reports that U.S. service members embarked aboard the USS Wasp were the victims of an assault in İzmir today, and are now safe," the embassy stated. The embassy also expressed gratitude to Turkish authorities for their prompt response and ongoing investigation.

Five U.S. service members who were nearby intervened, helping to defuse the situation before it could worsen. Their quick actions likely prevented further harm to their fellow Marines.

Youth Union of Turkey Justifies the Attack

The Youth Union of Turkey later released a statement to Reuters, claiming the attack was justified due to America's support of Israel.

"U.S. soldiers who carry the blood of our soldiers and thousands of Palestinians on their hands cannot dirty our country," the group stated. They further warned that such incidents would continue as long as U.S. forces remain in Turkey.

The group’s rhetoric reflects a growing sentiment among certain nationalist factions in Turkey, where U.S. military presence is increasingly viewed with hostility. The attack in Izmir is a stark reminder of the tensions that exist between the U.S. and these nationalist elements within Turkey.

Turkish Authorities Take Action

In response to the attack, Turkish authorities swiftly detained 15 men suspected of involvement. The arrests came as part of a broader effort to maintain public order and address the rising tensions between nationalist groups and foreign military personnel.

The swift action by Turkish law enforcement demonstrates the government’s commitment to maintaining order and addressing acts of violence, even when they involve sensitive diplomatic issues.

This incident has also prompted discussions about the safety and security of U.S. personnel stationed in foreign countries, particularly in regions where anti-American sentiment may be on the rise.

Diplomatic Implications and Public Reactions

The attack has the potential to strain U.S.-Turkey relations, particularly as it comes at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions. The U.S. Embassy’s public acknowledgment of the incident and its expression of gratitude toward Turkish authorities suggests a desire to manage the situation diplomatically.

Public reactions to the attack have been mixed, with some condemning the violence and others viewing it as a manifestation of legitimate political grievances. The incident has also sparked discussions on social media, where opinions are divided between those supporting the nationalist stance and those advocating for peaceful resolutions to such conflicts.

Ongoing Investigation

As the investigation continues, more details may emerge about the motivations behind the attack and the identities of those involved. The Turkish government has emphasized its commitment to a thorough investigation, which will be crucial in preventing similar incidents in the future.

The U.S. military has not yet commented on any potential changes to the security protocols for its personnel in Turkey. However, incidents like this may lead to increased caution and heightened security measures for U.S. service members stationed in the region.


The attack on U.S. Marines in Izmir by Turkish nationalists highlights the ongoing tensions between nationalist groups in Turkey and the presence of U.S. military personnel. While Turkish authorities have acted quickly to arrest those involved, the incident underscores the complexities of U.S.-Turkey relations and the challenges of maintaining security in an increasingly volatile environment.

This event serves as a reminder of the dangers faced by military personnel abroad and the importance of diplomatic efforts to address underlying tensions that can lead to such violent outbursts. The situation in Izmir is still developing, and further diplomatic and security measures may be necessary to prevent future incidents.