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Two major business leaders to be deposed over Epstein links

 May 5, 2023

The CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., Jamie Dimon, and Google's co-founder, Larry Page, have been asked to testify about Jeffrey Epstein's financial interests.

The late pedophile's financial web is being investigated by prosecutors in the U.S. territory of the Virgin Islands (USVI), where Epstein had a private island.

Epstein died in a Manhattan jail in August 2019, awaiting trial for sex trafficking. His accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, was sentenced in June 2022.

Denise George, the attorney general of the USVI, has requested that Dimon testify about his bank's dealings with Epstein. Sources close to the inquiry confirmed to CNN that Dimon will testify on May 26 and 27.

The USVI is seeking unspecified damages from JPMorgan Chase for Epstein's alleged abuse of young girls and women on his private island, Little St. James.

Subpoena Details

The subpoena demands "all documents" from 2002 onward related to communication between Page and JPMorgan regarding Epstein and all documents between Page and Epstein related to the bank.

Larry Page's Connection to the Case

Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, is also being asked to provide testimony. Epstein reportedly sought to recruit Page as a client of JPMorgan.

The subpoena obtained by The Daily Beast requests correspondence between Page and Epstein, Page and JPMorgan, documents showing fees Page paid to Epstein or JPMorgan, and records related to Epstein's involvement in human trafficking.

George sought permission to subpoena Page by alternative service, as they had spent the last month unsuccessfully trying to track him down and subpoena him in person.

Other Subpoenas Issued

Page's fellow Google co-founder Sergey Brin, former Disney executive Michael Ovitz, Hyatt Hotels executive chairman Thomas Pritzker, and billionaire real estate investor Mort Zuckerman were subpoenaed by George last month.

JPMorgan's Long-Standing Relationship with Epstein

JPMorgan has faced questions about its dealings with Epstein for several years. A complaint filed in New York last month alleged that JPMorgan Chase executives were aware of numerous sex abuse and trafficking allegations against Epstein and overlooked them for years.

Epstein was first investigated over his sexual abuse of children in 2005 by Miami prosecutors. In 2008, he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of solicitation of prostitution involving a minor and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

JPMorgan did not sever ties with Epstein until 2013, five years after his conviction.

The legal filing described internal warnings within the bank that the financier "should go," that there was "lots of smoke" and "lots of questions," and that anti-money laundering officials urged the bank to "terminate this relationship."

The complaint added a count alleging that JPMorgan obstructed federal law enforcement and prosecuting agencies pursuing Epstein.

When asked last month whether his bank should have cut off Epstein sooner, Dimon told CNN: "Hindsight is a fabulous gift."

Separate Lawsuits against JPMorgan

The U.S. Virgin Islands and a woman alleging sexual abuse by Epstein are filing separate lawsuits against JPMorgan, accusing the bank of complicity in the sex trafficking of multiple women.