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US hostages held by Hamas surpass 100 days in captivity

 January 16, 2024

President Joe Biden's leadership failure has resulted in American citizens being held captive by Iran-backed terrorists for over 100 days.

The attacks launched by Hamas on Israel on Oct. 7 resulted in the deaths of at least 32 Americans, marking one of the highest death tolls from a terrorist incident since the 9/11 attacks.

Even after 100 days have passed, Hamas continues to hold six Americans in captivity, as Fox News reported.

This situation has raised serious concerns about President Biden's leadership and his administration's response to international terrorism and hostage situations.

Bipartisan Efforts to Rescue Hostages

Earlier this month, a bipartisan group of lawmakers embarked on a mission across the Middle East.

Their sole focus was the recovery of American hostages from the clutches of Hamas.

The delegation visited Israel, including Kibbutz Nir Oz, where the devastation wrought by Hamas was palpable.

Amidst the ruins of what was once a peaceful community, the group heard heart-wrenching accounts from families whose loved ones were taken hostage.

The delegation's journey also included visits to Egypt, Qatar, and Bahrain, where members met with key government figures and hostage negotiators, urging them to assist in the release of the American captives.

The Human Cost and Calls for Action

The families of the hostages are in a state of prolonged distress, yearning for decisive action from the Biden administration.

As they mark 100 days since their loved ones were taken, their frustration with the inaction of the U.S. government grows.

These American hostages are reportedly enduring dire conditions, lacking consistent access to basic necessities.

The delegation emphasized the importance of this issue, calling on President Biden to leverage all diplomatic resources to secure the hostages' release.

The Battle Against Terrorism

The ongoing hostage situation is more than a political issue; it starkly represents the struggle between good and evil.

The prolongation of this crisis, with Americans held captive by Hamas, a group supported by Iran, is seen as a victory for terrorist forces globally.

The delegation stressed that every day the hostages remain captive is a day too long.

Participants in the group urged the Biden administration to intensify its efforts and take a more active role in resolving this crisis.