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Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska Discusses Emotional Toll of Putin's Invasion

 June 21, 2024

Amid the ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine's first lady, Olena Zelenska, has shared her struggles with the psychological toll the conflict has imposed on her family and her own well-being.

Olena Zelenska recently spoke out about the personal impact of the Russian invasion that started in February 2022, detailing the challenges of living apart from her husband while maintaining her role as a pillar of strength for her nation, as the Daily Mail reports.

Zelenska has been living separately from her husband, President Volodymyr Zelensky, along with their two children, in an undisclosed location. This arrangement stems from the ongoing conflict initiated by Russia’s aggressive invasion of Ukraine, leaving her struggling with the stress and responsibilities of her position.

A First Lady's Struggle Amid National Turmoil

Zelenska, a former screenwriter who met her future husband in high school, expressed that the ongoing war has pushed her close to psychological burnout.

She has found herself grappling with the immense pressure of being a source of stability for her children, often shielding them from the harsh realities of the war.

Her coping mechanisms include avoiding news before bedtime and engaging in calming activities. Zelenska believes in the therapeutic power of practical tasks, such as cleaning, which she says helps her maintain a sense of normalcy and control during these turbulent times.

"There are moments where I feel I am close to psychological burnout and I understand that I need rest," she disclosed, highlighting the severe emotional toll the conflict has taken on her.

The Toll of War on Ukraine's Leadership

While President Zelensky remains in Kyiv to lead the nation, Olena carries the weight of her responsibilities alone, often allowing herself moments to grieve privately.

"A couple of times I allowed myself to cry when it was unbearably sad, but it was something I did consciously," she said, emphasizing the need to find strength in vulnerability.

The couple reunited briefly this month during the 80th anniversary D-Day commemorations in France, where they met with several international figures, including U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. During these moments, they shared not just their personal stories but also the collective struggle of their nation.

The significance of these international gatherings was also a platform for Zelensky to voice concerns over the adequacy of military aid from the West. At a conference in Switzerland, he pointed out the insufficient support, stating, "There is aid. There are serious packages. Is it enough to win? No. Is it late? Yes."

Global Response and Historical Moments

The conference in Switzerland, attended by representatives from 80 nations, became a focal point for discussing Ukraine's needs and strategies moving forward. However, the absence of signatures from key countries like India, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa marked a notable shortfall in global unanimity regarding the situation in Ukraine.

At the D-Day event, an emotional highlight was the interaction between Zelensky and 99-year-old American D-Day veteran Melvin Hurwitz. "You're my hero," Hurwitz told Zelensky, to which the Ukrainian president humbly responded, "No, no, no -- you saved Europe," illustrating the mutual admiration and respect shared amidst the somber remembrance of past conflicts.

Zelenska, reflecting on the support from international allies and the heroism of rescue workers, mentioned, "Their contribution inspires even in the worst moments," underscoring the global dimension of Ukraine's current plight.

Olena Zelenska's Personal Journey Through Crisis

Zelenska's personal testimony offers a rare glimpse into the life of a modern first lady thrust into a geopolitical crisis of immense scale. Her narrative intertwines the personal with the political, revealing how leadership roles extend beyond formal duties to include deep personal sacrifice and resilience.

Despite the distance and the heavy burden of her responsibilities, she and her husband cherish the moments they can share. "We don't bore each other, we miss each other -- we don't have the time to make each other angry or have a fight, so recently we don't have fights at all," she revealed, shedding light on the strains and strengths of their relationship amid crisis.

As Ukraine continues to face the brutal reality of war, Zelenska stands as a symbol of strength and endurance, not only to her family and her nation but to the world, demonstrating the unyielding spirit of a country under siege yet steadfast in its resolve.

In conclusion, Olena Zelenska’s candid reflections provide a powerful reminder of the human cost of conflict and the resilience required to navigate it. From her strategic emotional coping mechanisms to her public role as a figure of stability, her story encapsulates the profound personal and national challenges posed by the ongoing war.