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Kevin O'Leary Urges Trump to Choose Musk as Cost-Cutting Czar

 October 15, 2024

Kevin O'Leary, a prominent business and media figure known for his financial acumen, has expressed resounding support for Elon Musk to spearhead a government efficiency commission if Donald Trump assumes a second term as president.

Amid Trump's potential re-election, O'Leary sees Musk as uniquely qualified to overhaul government operations, given his track record in executing major projects, as Fox Business reports.

During a recent appearance on Fox Business' The Big Money Show, O'Leary detailed his vision for Musk's involvement in such an initiative. He passionately argues that the federal government suffers from longstanding inefficiencies that need urgent attention and believes Musk has the expertise to address these issues.

O'Leary emphasized Musk’s extensive experience with groundbreaking enterprises, particularly highlighting his work with SpaceX.

According to O'Leary, Musk’s recent demonstration of catching a booster rocket with mechanical precision exemplifies the kind of prowess in execution needed to streamline government processes.

SpaceX Project Successes Highlight Musk’s Skills

The specific achievement that O'Leary referenced during the interview was SpaceX's successful Starship rocket test this past Sunday. The maneuver, which involved recovering a booster with mechanical arms, was described by O'Leary as a spectacular showcase of Musk's capabilities in delivering complex engineering feats.

O'Leary is adamant about the need for effective reform in the federal government, noting, "There has always been 'fat' in the federal government, but no one's really taken a knife to it yet." His hope is that Musk’s leadership would bring significant benefits to every taxpayer.

He conveyed his enthusiasm for the prospect, saying he would pay to witness Musk tackle inefficiencies within government agencies. He is confident that the billionaire entrepreneur could deliver substantial improvements to governmental operations.

Trump’s Plan to Engage Musk Amid Re-Election

Trump, during an exchange with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business' Sunday Morning Futures," also shared his perspective on involving Musk in his potential administration. The former president sees Musk's involvement as a pivotal aspect of future cost-cutting initiatives within the government.

Trump acknowledged that Musk’s substantial business commitments would preclude him from serving in a traditional cabinet role. However, he expressed his willingness to create a special role tailored to Musk's strengths and responsibilities.

Additionally, Trump revealed Musk's ambition to send a rocket to Mars, a venture that Musk assured would occur before the conclusion of Trump's possible second term. This ambitious promise underscores Musk's forward-thinking vision and commitment to expanding extraterrestrial exploration.

O'Leary Sees a Bold New Government Approach

O'Leary's faith in Musk extends beyond mere efficiency improvements; he perceives it as a transformative change for U.S. government operations. His endorsement is based on Musk's history of transformative industry achievements and the potential to apply similar strategies to government challenges.

The well-known businessman stated unequivocally, “Every idea that Musk brings to the market he executes on, including catching a giant rocket out of space,” which serves to reinforce his conviction in Musk's unparalleled execution skills.

Trump and O'Leary appear to agree that Musk's distinct business approach could redefine standard practices within federal agencies. It’s a concept that gains traction with their shared optimism for achieving more with less.

Conclusion: An Unlikely Government Collaboration

The prospect of Elon Musk leading a government efficiency initiative presents a unique narrative in potential governmental change. Kevin O'Leary’s fervent backing, combined with Trump's willingness to integrate Musk’s expertise, underscores a bipartisan desire to explore innovative solutions.

The idea champions a pragmatic approach to longstanding institutional inefficiencies, with the hopes that Musk could harness his innovation to benefit taxpayers nationwide. While rooted in hypothetical scenarios contingent on political outcomes, this advocacy reflects broader discussions on efficiency in government.

If the collaboration were realized, it could mark a significant shift in how federal processes are managed, signaling a new era of agile governance.

The conversation highlights how private sector dynamism might find its place within public administration, promising enhanced efficacy for the future.