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Van Jones Discusses Potential Kamala Harris Presidency if Biden Wins in November

 July 1, 2024

CNN Political Commentator Van Jones discussed the implications of Joe Biden's performance and age on the potential presidency of Kamala Harris during an appearance on CNN NewsNight.

Jones highlighted concerns about Biden's viability for completing another term, suggesting a higher likelihood of Harris stepping in as president if Biden wins re-election, as Breitbart reports.

The liberal commentator emphasized that Republican claims about Harris effectively being on the ballot in November are accurate. He pointed to Joe Biden’s performance the day before, expressing difficulty in seeing Biden making it through another four-and-a-half years.

Jones on Biden's Performance

Jones stated, “It’s hard to imagine the Joe Biden that you saw yesterday on the debate stage making it four-and-a-half more years." He added, “And so, you do have to acknowledge, there is a high likelihood that a Joe Biden victory ultimately means Kamala Harris will be president.”

This viewpoint, initially characterized as a conservative talking point, was brought up by host Abby Phillip. She noted that it now seems to hold some truth.

Phillip's Perspective on Conservative Talking Points

“This has been something that they have described as a conservative talking point, a hitjob, that she’s really the one on the ballot,” Phillip said. “But it seems like, at this very moment, that is true.”

Jones agreed with Phillip’s assessment. He noted that despite Biden’s good performance that day, it was difficult to overlook his previous day’s performance.

Concerns Over Biden’s Longevity

“Yeah. Because, look, Joe Biden did a great job today, and that was a relief for a lot of people,” Jones commented. “But it’s hard to unsee yesterday. And it’s hard to imagine the guy you saw yesterday making it four-and-a-half more years.”

Jones reiterated his point, stating, “And so, you do have to acknowledge, there is a high likelihood that a Joe Biden victory ultimately means Kamala Harris will be president. So, people need to make the decision, do you feel comfortable? Do you feel good about that?”

Implications for the 2024 Election

Jones' comments highlight a significant concern among voters as the 2024 election approaches. The potential for Harris to step into the presidency if Biden wins re-election is a topic of discussion that crosses party lines.

The discussion reflects broader concerns about Biden's age and ability to serve another full term. As the oldest president in U.S. history, Biden’s capacity to endure the demands of the presidency is under scrutiny.

The Role of Vice Presidents

Vice presidents have historically been seen as successors in waiting, but the potential for Harris to assume the presidency under these circumstances is drawing more attention. Harris, who made history as the first female, first Black, and first vice president of South Asian heritage, would also make history as the first female president if she were to assume the role.

Jones' remarks indicate that the electorate may need to consider the possibility of a Harris presidency when casting their votes. This consideration adds a layer of complexity to the decision-making process for voters.

Historical Context

Historically, the health and longevity of presidents have always been factors in elections. The presidency demands a great deal of physical and mental stamina, and candidates' health is scrutinized more than ever.

Jones’ comments bring this issue to the forefront, making it a critical point of discussion as the election approaches. The possibility of a transition from Biden to Harris during a potential second term is now a tangible consideration.

Voter Considerations

As voters head to the polls, the potential for Harris to step into the presidency could influence their decisions. The need for stability and continuity in leadership is a priority for many, and the discussion around Biden’s age and Harris’ readiness is likely to continue.

Jones’ insights suggest that this election is about more than just the candidates on the ballot. It’s about considering the future leadership of the country and the readiness of those who may step into the highest office.


Van Jones’ discussion on CNN NewsNight underscores the importance of evaluating the potential for a Harris presidency.

As the election nears, voters are faced with considering the implications of Biden’s age and performance on his ability to serve a full term.

The prospect of Harris stepping in as president is a significant factor in this calculus, making it a crucial consideration for the electorate.