Walz Evades Journalists When Confronted with Military Record Questions

 August 8, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz is facing intense scrutiny over allegations that he misrepresented his military service, leading to accusations of stolen valor by key figures including Sen. JD Vance.

The controversy surged when Gov. Walz avoided questions about his military record during an event with White House hopeful Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday, opting to leave the press gathered on a Wisconsin tarmac, as Breitbart reports.

The allegations center around claims that Walz lied about his military achievements and history, casting a shadow over his political career.

Questions regarding his service have intensified, potentially affecting his political standing.

Walz and Harris appeared together in front of an audience on a Wisconsin tarmac, where Harris commended Walz’s public service. The duo did not take questions from the press, who were situated at a significant distance.

Accusations from Sen. JD Vance

At the press event, a persistent reporter challenged Walz on accusations stemming primarily from Vance.

Vance criticized Walz for allegedly dropping out of the Army before his unit deployed to Iraq, leaving his comrades to fight without him.

The senator remarked, "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with. I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go."

As the questioning from the press continued, Walz chose to walk away without responding, proceeding quickly to his vehicle. Harris remained behind, engaged in a photo opportunity.

Claims and Counterclaims

This incident marked the 17th day since Harris last answered questions from reporters at an official press conference. Walz’s swift departure has only amplified the controversy surrounding his military service history.

In addition to Vance's accusations, other claims against Walz include exaggerations about his rank upon retirement from the National Guard.

Critics allege that Walz portrayed himself as a retired command sergeant major when, in reality, he retired as a master sergeant.

Kristina Wong of Breitbart noted, "[Walz] has claimed that he is a retired command sergeant major, but his rank was reduced to master sergeant since he did not finish the requirements to retire as a command sergeant major. Despite this, he has boasted about retiring as a command sergeant major on multiple occasions."

Political Ramifications

Republicans have seized upon these accusations, which challenge the integrity and honesty of Walz. Such claims, if proven accurate, could have profound implications for his political career.

Walz’s past statements about his military service include claims made in a campaign video where he stated that he had carried weapons "in war."

However, records reveal that Walz did not serve in combat scenarios, raising further questions about his representations.

With the allegations of stolen valor reverberating, Gov. Tim Walz now finds himself at the center of a political storm.

His refusal to address the questions directly has only fanned the flames of controversy and will likely continue to do so.


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