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DOJ Spokesperson Criticizes Trump Prosecution As Unjust on Hidden Video

 September 8, 2024

A key DOJ spokesperson was caught on camera disparaging the prosecution of former President Donald Trump, calling it a politically motivated "perversion of justice."

Nicholas Biase, the public affairs director for the DOJ's Southern District of New York, expressed controversial views on the actions of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and undercover journalist from Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club” captured these opinions on hidden camera, as Breitbart reports.

During the recording, Biase referred to the prosecution of Trump on 34 felony charges for alleged business record falsifications as "nonsense."

He criticized Bragg for what he perceives as an overzealous pursuit of the former president, suggesting the charges were stacked to bolster Bragg's political profile.

Controversial Comments Caught on Hidden Camera

The footage, dated July 31, shows Biase accusing Bragg of manipulating case details to further his own career.

He questioned Bragg’s ultimate political ambitions, hinting at possible higher aspirations beyond his current role.

Biase’s remarks extended beyond Bragg, encompassing broader criticisms of state-level prosecutions.

In an additional clip from Aug. 14, he condemned the state justice system as overly politicized and akin to the "Wild West."

DOJ Official Dismays at State Prosecutions

Describing the environment at the state level, Biase lamented the overt political motivations driving the prosecution of Trump, emphasizing that such actions served only to increase Trump’s political relevance rather than diminishing it.

He also took aim at the separate civil fraud case against Trump, led by state Attorney General Letitia James. Biase argued that the practices Trump is accused of are commonplace in New York’s real estate circles and typically not prosecuted.

Criticism Extends to Georgia's Legal Actions Against Trump

Further expressing his disapproval, Biase criticized Fani Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, Georgia. He described her efforts to indict Trump over alleged election interference as a “travesty of justice.”

Biase’s candid remarks describe Willis's actions as making a "mockery of justice," indicative of a justice system that he perceives as increasingly partisan and vengeful against political figures like Trump.

Repercussions and Reactions to Biase’s Statements

The leaked comments have stirred significant controversy, highlighting a divide within the justice system over the handling of high-profile prosecutions.

Biase’s stark assessment suggests a deep-seated skepticism about the fairness and motivation behind prosecuting former political leaders.

While the video provides a rare glimpse into the personal opinions of a high-ranking DOJ official, it also raises questions about the impartiality expected of public prosecutors and their spokespeople.

Public and Political Reactions to DOJ Spokesman's Leaked Opinions

The exposure of these private opinions has prompted discussions on the integrity and independence of judicial proceedings against former political figures.

Critics argue that such expressions from a Justice Department spokesperson could undermine public trust in legal proceedings.

Supporters of Trump have seized on these comments as evidence of a biased legal system intent on targeting the former president without just cause, reinforcing long-standing grievances about the politicization of justice.