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Mark Hamill Praises 'Joebi-Wan Kenobi' During White House Visit

 May 4, 2024

Mark Hamill, well-known for his left-leaning social media presence, charmed some of those in attendance at a White House briefing this week, playfully dubbing President Joe Biden "Joebi-Wan Kenobi" and lauding the staff's team spirit.

On Friday afternoon, actor Hamill, renowned for his role as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, stepped into the political arena with a visit to the White House, taking the opportunity to interact with both the press and prominent White House officials, as Breitbart reports.

During the briefing, Hamill was not just a passive guest but took to the podium with a presence as commanding as any of his on-screen roles. He addressed the gathered journalists, answering questions and sharing light-hearted moments that captured the room's attention.

Hamill's Playful Banter with President Biden

One of the highlights of his visit was a playful exchange with Biden.

Responding to CBS journalist Weijia Jiang's question about whether the president had mentioned Star Wars, Hamill seized the moment to infuse a bit of galactic humor into the proceedings.

"I called him 'Mr. President.' He said, 'You can call me Joe.' And I said, 'Can I call you Joebi-Wan Kenobi?' He liked that," Hamill recounted, delighting those present with his reference to the beloved sci-fi series.

The nickname "Joebi-Wan Kenobi" was well-received by Biden, who responded with a smile, acknowledging the clever melding of his name with the iconic Jedi character.

Admiration for White House Staff

Beyond the levity, Hamill expressed genuine admiration for the entire White House staff. He emphasized that the success of the presidency is not the effort of one individual but the collective endeavor of an entire team.

"I was really thrilled to meet the entire staff, because, you know, it’s not just one person. It’s like a composite endeavor," Hamill said, appreciating the collaborative nature of the administration.

His comments highlighted the often-overlooked work of numerous individuals behind the scenes who contribute to the functioning of the White House daily.

Warm Interaction with Jean-Pierre

Hamill's interaction with Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, was notably warm. After speaking, he gave her a hug, demonstrating his respect and affection.

He stepped back after his remarks, signaling Jean-Pierre to resume her role at the podium. This act of respect was not lost on the audience, illustrating his understanding of the formal setting despite the informal tone of his visit.

Jean-Pierre, returning the compliment, joked about the unusual applause Hamill received from the reporters, "No one ever claps for me when I get off the podium, just saying. I know -- expect the unexpected," she quipped, adding a light note to the interaction.

Conclusion: A Day of Unusual Diplomacy

Hamill's visit to the White House was seen by some observers as a memorable event, marked by his playful spirit and genuine respect for those in public service.

From giving President Biden a new nickname to praising the collaborative efforts of the White House staff, Hamill left an indelible mark on many attended the briefing.

The actor managed to bring a moment of levity and human connection to the often-serious atmosphere of the White House, bridging the worlds of entertainment and politics.

As the briefing concluded, Hamill's presence reminded many that humor and humility can go a long way in fostering warm and productive political discourse.