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Wealthy Dem donor is funding Hunter Biden’s legal defense, providing private jet

 May 30, 2023

Attorneys for Hunter Biden recently claimed in an Arkansas paternity suit court hearing that he was living in virtual poverty and was unable to afford the $20,000 per month child support payments he had previously agreed to with Lunden Roberts, a former stripper with whom Biden fathered a four-year-old daughter, Navy Joan.

Yet, amid the claim of poverty was also the revelation that Biden has a rather wealthy personal benefactor, Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris, who apparently has helped finance Biden's continued lavish lifestyle, Fox News reported.

Morris is reported to have, on Biden's behalf, paid off a tax debt, provided transportation including cars and private jets, paid the rent for Biden's California home, helped him with art and book deals, and even taken over management of Biden's private equity firm, among other things.

IRS Tax Debt Paid on Biden's Behalf

Morris, a top attorney in the entertainment industry with a stable of top stars as clients, is a big Democratic donor who reportedly first met Hunter Biden at a 2019 presidential campaign event for his father, President Joe Biden, and the duo are said to have quickly become good friends.

One sign of that friendship, according to CBS News in May 2022, was Morris paying off a debt of $1-2 million that Biden owed to the IRS for unpaid taxes that are alleged to be a central focal point of a years-long ongoing federal investigation into the president's son.

Morris, who was confirmed to be an "attorney and trusted adviser" for Biden, was also reported to have launched a quiet counter-investigation of his own into the provenance of the abandoned laptop scandal that has plagued the first son since the fall of 2020.

Help Arranging Deals, Spying On The Opposition

The New York Post, which had been the first to report on the scandalous laptop in 2020, also reported in May 2022 that Morris had come to be known as Hunter Biden's "sugar brother" in light of all of the expense paid and financial assistance provided to the president's son.

At that time, in addition to paying off the IRS debt, Morris also reportedly had a hand in forging an agreement for Biden to sell his artwork to anonymous buyers for exorbitant profits and in securing a literary agent and publishing for Biden's 2021 "Beautiful Things" memoir.

Morris was also alleged to have surreptiously posed as a documentarian to spy upon the production of an independent film, "My Son Hunter," that painted an unflattering portrait of the presidential son's history of drug abuse and sex as well as dubious foreign business dealings and influence-peddling based on information revealed on the abandoned laptop.

Private Jets and Other Financial Assistance

More recently, according to Fox News, it was revealed through business and flight records that Morris had provided his own private jet as transportation for Biden to personally attend a court hearing in Arkansas in which the president's son's attorneys claimed that he was now too poor to continue paying child support.

Flight records for Morris' private jet also revealed numerous trips in 2022-2023 to Fayetteville, Arkansas, where Biden's financial adviser, Edward Pruitt, lives.

During that court hearing in early May, it was also revealed that Morris had been funding Biden's lavish lifestyle by paying his living expenses in California and providing him with a vehicle.

Morris Now Controls Biden's China-Linked Private Equity Firm

The revelations of Morris' financial beneficence toward Biden raises the obvious question of why he would assume responsibility for those expenses and what he stands to gain from the arrangement, and it appears that The Washington Free Beacon may have found the answer to that query.

Business records show that Morris, likely in 2021, took over as the managing partner for Biden's own private equity firm, Skaneateles LLC, which holds a 10 percent stake in a Chinese private equity firm known as BHR Partners, which holds assets of more than $2.1 billion and is co-owned by the state-run Bank of China.

Biden had first purchased that 10 percent stake in BHR in 2017 for $420,000 and the investment reportedly more than doubled by 2019, only for Biden to purportedly divest himself completely of Skaneateles and BHR in 2021 amid scrutiny of that and other financial connections to China.

The Free Beacon raised the possibility that the transfer of Skaneateles — and its 10 percent stake in BHR — to Morris from Biden could have been in lieu of payment for legal representation and services.

It also suggests that rather than actually fully divest himself as claimed, Biden is continuing to enjoy the fruits of his initial investment in the Chinese communist regime-linked BHR by way of the expenses covered and financial assistance received from Morris.