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White House Criticizes Elon Musk’s Assassination Post as Dangerous

 September 18, 2024

Tesla CEO Elon Musk once again found himself at the center of controversy after posting an inflammatory joke about President Biden and Vice President Harris. Musk questioned why the pair had not faced any assassination attempts while former President Donald Trump had been targeted twice in recent months. Though he deleted the post, the backlash was swift, and the White House strongly condemned Musk's remarks as "irresponsible."

Musk claimed he intended the post to be humorous, but critics widely viewed his comments as crossing a dangerous line, according to India Today.

The first assassination attempt against Trump occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a sniper's bullet grazed his ear. This incident shocked many and raised concerns about Trump's safety during his campaign events. Just weeks later, a second attempt was made on Trump’s life at his West Palm Beach golf course, located near his Mar-a-Lago estate. These two serious attempts have put the U.S. Secret Service on heightened alert and also sparked Musk’s controversial remarks.

Musk Deletes Post After Immediate Backlash

In his now-deleted social media post, Musk wrote: "And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala." Critics quickly condemned the comment as an irresponsible attempt at humor, especially given the recent threats against Trump. Musk responded by explaining that he intended the post as a joke and that the context was misunderstood.

"Well, one lesson I've learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn't mean it's going to be all that hilarious as a post on X," Musk wrote in a follow-up statement. He acknowledged that jokes do not always translate well in plain text, noting, "Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don't know the context and the delivery is plain text."

Despite Musk’s explanation, the post continued to face widespread condemnation, with many accusing him of trivializing violence and undermining the seriousness of the political climate.

White House Labels Musk's Comments "Irresponsible"

In response to Musk’s post, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates condemned the remarks in a public statement. Bates emphasized that no one should joke about or encourage political violence, regardless of the intent behind the comments.

"As President Biden and Vice President Harris said after yesterday's disturbing news, 'there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country,' and 'we all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence,'" Bates said. He stressed that violence must always be condemned, not turned into a punchline.

The White House has taken a firm stance on political violence, especially amid increasing threats and incidents, calling for a united effort to reduce tensions. Many viewed Musk’s post, even if intended as humor, as inflammatory in an already fraught political environment.

Secret Service Aware of Musk's Post

The U.S. Secret Service, which protects current and former presidents and other high-profile figures, confirmed its awareness of Musk’s comments. However, the agency did not release a formal statement on any further actions they might take in response.

The recent assassination attempts on Trump had already prompted heightened security measures, and Musk’s remarks about the safety of other political leaders added unnecessary fuel to the fire. Critics argue that influential public figures must choose their words carefully on sensitive subjects like political violence, despite Musk’s claim that he took his comment out of context.

Reactions Highlight Concerns About Online Speech

Musk's post has reignited discussions about the power of social media and the impact of online speech, especially from prominent figures. Social media platforms grant users the freedom to express themselves but also require an understanding of the potential consequences. Musk, with over 150 million followers on X (formerly known as Twitter), has a history of posting controversial and provocative statements. Many feel this latest incident has crossed a line.

Calls for Accountability Continue

Despite Musk’s efforts to explain and defuse the situation, the broader conversation about accountability for public figures continues. Critics argue that Musk, as the CEO of Tesla and one of the world’s most influential people, should be more mindful of how others perceive his words.

Although Musk’s follow-up statement acknowledged that he had poorly timed and ill-advised his joke, the incident highlights the challenges of navigating free speech and the responsibility that comes with a large platform.

For now, Musk’s deleted post serves as a stark reminder of the need for caution when addressing sensitive topics. Public figures, especially those in influential positions, face ongoing scrutiny for their role in shaping public discourse, and Musk’s latest controversy is unlikely to fade from memory anytime soon.