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Woman files lawsuit against WWE’s Vince McMahon, accuses him of sexual abuse and sex trafficking

 January 26, 2024

Vince McMahon is facing a lawsuit involving severe accusations that include sexual abuse and sex trafficking.

In a significant legal development, McMahon, the executive chairman of WWE's parent company, TKO Group Holdings, has been implicated in a lawsuit. The complaint, lodged in Connecticut's U.S. District Court, presents grave allegations against McMahon and a former WWE executive, John Laurinaitis, as FOX Business reported.

Detailed accusations emerge against Vince McMahon

Janel Grant, the plaintiff, filed the lawsuit, alleging that McMahon enticed her into the company with the promise of a flourishing career.

However, her experience turned into horrifying exploitation by McMahon and his associates from 2019 to 2022.

The legal documents reveal that Grant was coerced into signing a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) in 2022.

Despite the agreement, which involved a $3 million payment from McMahon for her silence, Grant claims the harassment persisted.

McMahon's representatives refute allegations

McMahon's spokesperson vehemently denied the allegations, asserting the lawsuit is filled with fabrications and a malicious distortion of reality. The spokesperson said:

This lawsuit is replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and a vindictive distortion of the truth.

Despite repeated attempts, McMahon's legal counsel, Jerry McDevitt, and representatives of WWE and TKO Group Holdings have not provided comments on the matter.

A vulnerable beginning for the plaintiff

Grant's association with WWE began under tragic personal circumstances, following the demise of her parents.

She was introduced to McMahon through her building manager, marking the onset of what she describes as a three-year nightmare.

The lawsuit graphically details multiple distressing incidents involving McMahon, portraying a grim picture of exploitation and control over Grant's life.

Allegations of grave misconduct and assault

Among the disturbing claims, the lawsuit accuses McMahon of subjecting Grant to degrading acts and causing physical harm.

The narrative details assaults by McMahon and Laurinaitis, including a harrowing incident where the two men allegedly forced themselves on her.

The lawsuit says:

Behind a locked door, the two men cornered her and pulled her in between them, forcibly touched her, before ultimately putting her on top of a table in between them. She begged them to stop, but they forced themselves on her, each taking turns restraining her for the other.

Laurinaitis, who parted ways with the company in 2022, has not responded to these serious allegations.

Pressure and aftermath of the disclosed relationship

The lawsuit also discloses that McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon, became aware of the relationship in January 2022.

This revelation led to Grant being pressured into signing the NDA, supposedly to keep the matter from going public.

The ordeal has left Grant battling severe anxiety and depression, as stated in the lawsuit.

Her life is now marred by fear and post-traumatic stress, confining her to her residence for prolonged periods.

Lawsuit demands and legal stance

The legal action taken by Grant not only seeks to invalidate the NDA under the Speak Out Act but also demands unspecified compensatory damages.

The court is urged to provide appropriate relief deemed just and proper in such a grave situation.

The lawsuit, calling for a jury trial, accuses McMahon and WWE of civil battery and negligence, highlighting the seriousness of the allegations and the potential implications for all parties involved.


  • Vince McMahon is embroiled in a lawsuit alleging sexual abuse and sex trafficking.
  • Janel Grant, the plaintiff, details a harrowing narrative of exploitation and control by McMahon and his associates.
  • Despite the allegations, McMahon's spokesperson denies the claims, labeling the lawsuit as filled with lies and distortions.
  • The lawsuit outlines explicit and distressing incidents, demanding a trial by jury and seeking compensatory damages and the invalidation of a nondisclosure agreement.
  • The legal battle unveils not only the personal trauma of the plaintiff but also the potential ramifications for the reputation and operations of WWE and its executives.