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Congressional Democrats Boycott Netanyahu Address as Protestors Take to Streets

 July 25, 2024

Mass protests and severe disruptions unfolded as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress, highlighting deep divisions over his policies.

Protests in response to controversies surrounding Israeli actions in Gaza led to violent clashes with police on the streets of Washington, D.C., during Netanyahu's Congressional address, which Rep. Nancy Pelosi subsequently blasted -- despite not attending the address -- as among the worst ever delivered, as the Daily Mail reports.

Preparation and Response by Law Enforcement

Authorities had anticipated large gatherings and deployed a significant law enforcement presence. Capitol Police estimated that as many as 10,000 demonstrators would converge on Capitol Hill.

The situation escalated when protesters defied police orders to disperse at the intersection of First Street and Constitution Avenue, NW. In response, officers equipped with riot shields and pepper spray took action to maintain control.

According to a statement by Capitol Police, officers were forced to use pepper spray to prevent protestors from breaching police lines. The statement detailed instances of protesters attempting to violate the law.

Disruptions at Union Station and Congressional Absences

Nearby, at Union Station, the unrest continued with protestors tearing down and setting the American flag on fire and defacing statues with politically charged graffiti.

Numerous incidents of vandalism were reported, including the burning of an effigy of Netanyahu and the display of another effigy with devil horns. Amtrak issued warnings of possible delays and intermittent station closures due to the proximity of the protests.

Notably, about half of all congressional Democrats, including high-profile figures such as Vice President Kamala Harris and Pelosi, opted out of attending Netanyahu's speech, highlighting political tensions.

Charged Atmosphere and Extensive Arrests

The demonstrations were marked by aggressive chants advocating for Palestinian liberation and calls for an intifada, a term used to denote an uprising. These intense interactions led to over 200 arrests near the Cannon House Office Building.

Additional law enforcement support was called in from New York City to assist with the escalating situation as Capitol Police dealt with the protest's intensity.

Further complicating matters, protestors managed to infiltrate the hotel where Netanyahu was staying, disturbing the premises with insects like maggots.

Political Reactions and International Diplomacy

Reactions to the protests and political absences were mixed, with several Republican senators criticizing Harris for her absence, labeling it as a "slap in the face" to a key ally and "disgraceful."

Despite the chaos at home, Netanyahu’s schedule remained packed with diplomatic engagements, including one with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips commented on social media about the display of a Hamas flag during the protests, emphasizing the deep emotional and political divisions the situation has revealed.

Security Measures and Congressional Action

In preparation for the prime minister's speech, stringent security measures were in place at the Capitol, with the sergeant at arms issuing warnings that any disturbances would lead to removals and possible arrests.

This proactive approach to security was aimed at preventing the kind of legislative disruption experienced in other contentious sessions.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) underlined the consequences for disturbances within the gallery, asserting that Capitol Police and security personnel were prepared to enforce order strictly.

Looking Towards a Resolute Response

The demonstrations near Capitol Hill underscore a complex mesh of international relations, domestic politics, and public sentiments related to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

While the protests showcased significant dissent, law enforcement's preparedness and response highlighted the challenges of maintaining peace amidst politically charged events.

In conclusion, escalating tensions during Netanyahu's visit to Congress, demonstrated through violent protests and high political absences, reflect the contentious nature of U.S.-Israeli relations and the broader geopolitical conflicts at hand.