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Appeals Court Vacates Julie Chrisley's 7-Year Prison Sentence

 June 24, 2024

Reality TV personality Julie Chrisley achieved a significant legal victory when a federal appeals court vacated her sentence for bank fraud and tax evasion.

Though Julie Chrisley's sentence for bank fraud and tax evasion was thrown out by federal appeals judges on Friday, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld convictions for both her and her husband, as Fox News reports.

In November 2022, Julie and Todd Chrisley were sentenced to a combined 19 years in prison.

The couple was found guilty of conspiring to defraud community banks out of over $30 million in fraudulent loans and conspiring to defraud the IRS. A three-judge panel identified a legal error in the calculation of Julie's sentencing, leading to the decision to vacate her sentence.

Federal Appeals Court Decision

Todd Chrisley was initially sentenced to 12 years in prison, which was later reduced by two years.

Julie Chrisley was originally given a seven-year prison sentence after being indicted in August 2019. However, her sentence was reduced by 14 months in September 2023. Now, a lower court must redo Julie's punishment on a "narrow issue."

During the trial, prosecutors alleged that the Chrisleys had submitted fake documents for loans. They also claimed that Julie submitted a false credit report and fake bank statements to rent a house in California.

Julie Chrisley faced multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, tax fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, wire fraud, and obstruction-of-justice charges.

Legal Representation and Reactions

Alex Little, representing the Chrisley family, expressed mixed feelings about the court's decision. "We’re pleased that the Court agreed that Julie’s sentence was improper, but we’re obviously disappointed that it rejected Todd’s appeal," Little said. He also mentioned that the Chrisley family was "hopeful for more good news in the future."

Annalise Peters, a prosecutor in the case, stated that the evidence was "overwhelming at trial" that the Chrisleys had "conspired to evade the IRS." She also noted that Little had not shown any "actual compelling prejudice that results from this."

Chrisleys' Prison Sentences and Conditions

Julie Chrisley reported to the satellite minimum security camp at the BOP facility in Lexington. Todd Chrisley checked into the Federal Prison Camp Pensacola.

The Chrisleys' former accountant, Peter Tarantino, was also sentenced to three years in prison for filing false tax returns.

In 2019, the Georgia Department of Revenue cleared the Chrisleys of a $2 million state tax evasion charge after a two-year investigation. The department dropped claims that the couple owed more than $2.1 million, updating the debt to under $110,000.

What's to come

Both Julie and Todd Chrisley will have to complete 16 months of probation following their prison sentences.

The lower court's task of redoing Julie's punishment will focus on a specific legal issue identified by the appeals court.


The federal appeals court's decision to vacate Julie Chrisley's sentence marks a significant development in the ongoing legal saga involving the Chrisley family.

While their convictions remain upheld, the re-sentencing of Julie Chrisley and the mixed reactions from their legal team highlight the complexities and continued legal challenges ahead.

Overall, the case emphasizes the serious consequences of financial fraud and tax evasion while also showcasing the potential for legal errors to impact sentencing outcomes. As the lower court prepares to re-sentence Julie Chrisley, the legal battles for the Chrisley family are far from over.

In conclusion, Julie Chrisley's sentence was vacated due to a legal error, although both she and her husband Todd's convictions remain upheld. The couple was initially sentenced to a combined 19 years for bank fraud and tax evasion. Reactions from their legal representatives reflect a mixture of disappointment and hope for future positive developments.