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Biden Campaign Crumbling, Will End Soon, Says Karl Rove

 July 7, 2024

Former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove has claimed that President Joe Biden's campaign is "bleeding out" and will soon come to an end.

Rove made his dire diagnosis during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s America Reports, citing consistent polling data and concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities and stamina as the primary reasons for his prediction, as Breitbart reports.

The longtime political strategist highlighted that doubts about Biden’s ability to run for a second term have been present for over a year, with many Americans questioning his cognitive skills and mental stamina. According to Rove, these concerns have been evident in numerous polls conducted over the past year and a half.

Rove's Comments on Fox News

Rove, who served as a senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, discussed the state of Biden’s campaign during the aforementioned cable appearance.

During the segment, Rove emphasized that the decision regarding Biden’s capabilities was effectively made a year ago. He referenced polling data from that time, which indicated deep doubts among the American public about Biden’s ability to serve another term.

“This has been decided. We made this decision a year ago,” Rove stated. He added that poll after poll showed people believed Biden lacked the cognitive skill and mental stamina to be effective as president.

Concerns About Biden’s Abilities

Rove pointed out that these concerns are not new and have been a recurring theme in polling data. “If you look at the polls a year ago, there were deep doubts he should run again because people already looked at him and said he is not up to the job,” he said.

According to Rove, the polling data consistently reflects a belief among Americans that Biden does not possess the necessary attributes to continue serving as president. He highlighted the physical and mental toll that the presidency takes on individuals, drawing comparisons to previous presidents.

Impact of Presidency on Health

Rove used his experience in the White House to illustrate the demands of the presidency.

“I worked in that place seven years. I saw it did when a young man of 54 came into that office and aged over the course of those eight years,” he said, referring to George W. Bush. He also mentioned former President Barack Obama, who entered office in his 40s and left with visible signs of aging.

Rove questioned whether Biden, given his current condition, could improve over the next four years. “We all saw it when Barack Obama in his 40s came in and by the time he left he was gray-headed. Do we really think Joe Biden already suffering as he is is going to be better over the next four years?” Rove asked.

Public Opinion and Family Decisions

Rove believes that ordinary Americans have already made a negative assessment about the president's ability to handle another term. He suggested that at some point, Biden’s family would need to prioritize the country’s needs over their personal desires for him to remain in office.

“Ordinary Americans have concluded he doesn’t have what it takes to be the president of the United States over the coming four years,” Rove asserted. He added, “At some point, the family will put the country first, I think, above their own personal desires to remain in office.”

Rove's Prediction on Biden's Campaign

Rove did not mince words when predicting the outcome of Biden’s campaign.

“I bet you he is gone. He is bleeding out. His campaign is bleeding out in front of us and it will end and it will end shortly,” he declared.


Karl Rove's comments on Fox News reflect a significant level of skepticism about President Joe Biden's ability to continue his campaign for another term.

Citing consistent polling data and his own experiences in the White House, Rove emphasized the physical and mental toll of the presidency. He argued that public opinion and the inevitable decisions by Biden's family will soon bring the campaign to an end.

In summary, Rove's perspective sheds light on the growing concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities and stamina, suggesting a bleak outlook for the current administration’s future prospects.