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New book suggests Kamala Harris has made enemies of Joe, Jill Biden

 January 23, 2024

In his latest book, Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House, veteran journalist Charlie Spiering delves into the complex and often strained relationship between Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden.

Over three years after their historic election win, Spiering reveals the underlying tensions that have marked their partnership, as the Daily Mail reported.

He asserts that Biden's decision to seek re-election stems from a belief that Harris is not adequately prepared to assume the presidency, highlighting a lack of trust from both the president and first lady Jill Biden.

Behind-the-Scenes Selections and Alleged Favoritism

Spiering's book sheds light on the 2020 vice-presidential selection process.

It claims that Biden's initial preference was for Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, while Jill Biden advocated for Susan Rice.

However, it was former President Barack Obama's support that ultimately swayed Biden towards Harris, despite her previous criticisms of him.

Spiering suggests that Obama played a significant role in Harris' ascent from relative obscurity in California politics to the national stage.

Kamala Harris: A Controversial Figure in Washington

The book presents a critical view of Harris's performance as vice president, focusing on her handling of various assignments, including immigration issues.

Spiering argues that Harris' communication struggles and controversial public persona have contributed to a crisis of confidence within the Democratic Party.

He also describes instances of Harris' alleged mistreatment of staff and her behavior during Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination when she was serving as a U.S. senator.

The author paints a picture of a vice president plagued by challenges and missteps.

Fractured Relationships and Political Maneuvering

Spiering's narrative extends to the personal dynamics within the White House, particularly between Harris and the Bidens.

He claims that first lady Jill Biden harbored particular resentment towards Harris for her accusations of racism against Biden during the Democratic primaries.

The book also details tensions arising from Harris' alleged attempts to assert her own political narrative, often at odds with the administration's goals.

Kamala Harris: Her Rise, Stumbles, and Current Standing

The author traces Harris' background, including her connections with influential figures like Willie Brown and her rise through San Francisco's political ranks.

Despite her efforts to rebrand and gain traction in national politics, Spiering argues that Harris continues to struggle with public perception and internal party support.

He concludes that her chances of leading the Democratic Party into the future are slim, given the current political landscape.