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Eddie Murphy Reflects on Declining to Use Cocaine with Robin Williams and John Belushi

 June 30, 2024

During a recent appearance on the Interview podcast, actor Eddie Murphy revealed a pivotal moment from his early career that influenced his decision to abstain from drugs.

Murphy credits his choice to avoid drugs to an evening out with Robin Williams and John Belushi in the 1980s, describing it as a moment of providence and a safeguard for his future success, as People reports.

A Moment of Clarity

At the age of 63, Murphy recounted an evening from his youth during the podcast. He shared an anecdote involving a night out with fellow comedians Robin Williams and John Belushi. This took place when Murphy was only 19 years old.

Murphy described how Williams and Belushi began using cocaine, and he declined their invitation to join them. Reflecting on the moment, Murphy said, “It was me, [John] Belushi and Robin Williams. They start doing coke, and I was like, ‘No, I’m cool.’”

He clarified that his decision was not based on a moral stance but simply a lack of interest in drugs. “I wasn’t taking some moral stance. I just wasn’t interested in it. To not have the desire or the curiosity, I’d say that’s providence,” Murphy explained.

Guided by Providence and Awareness

Murphy attributed his decision to a sense of providence, expressing a belief that a higher power was watching over him at that moment. He stated, “God was looking over me at that moment.”

The comedian acknowledged the dangers of fame, especially for young Black artists, comparing the experience to navigating a minefield.

“When you get famous really young, especially a Black artist, it’s like living in a minefield. At any moment, you could step on a mine. Any moment, something could happen that can undo everything,” he noted.

Despite the potential hazards, Murphy admitted that he was somewhat oblivious to these risks at the time. “But I was oblivious to the fact that I was in a minefield,” he said.

Early Success and Cautionary Tales

Murphy’s career took off when he made his debut on Saturday Night Live (SNL) at just 19 years old. He reflected on the pressures and temptations that come with early success in the entertainment industry.

He illustrated the precarious nature of fame by describing the experiences of other young artists.

“Just imagine being a young person and having the world placed at your feet. Nobody's saying ‘no,’ and everybody wants to be around you. You try all types of s--- and get caught up in all kinds of stuff," Murphy explained. "That's what destroys people."

The fates of several famous individuals serve as cautionary tales for Murphy. He mentioned Prince, Michael Jackson, and Elvis Presley as examples of talented artists whose lives were tragically affected by substance abuse and the pressures of fame.

A Conscious Choice to Abstain

Murphy has remained steadfast in his decision to avoid drugs throughout his life. He revealed that he has never been interested in drugs and has only smoked marijuana once at the age of 30. “I don’t drink. I smoked a joint for the first time when I was 30 years old. The extent of drugs is some weed,” he said.

Belushi’s tragic death from a drug overdose in 1982 at the age of 33 serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers associated with drug use. Similarly, Williams’ death by suicide in 2014 due to severe depression highlights the struggles that even the most successful entertainers can face.


Eddie Murphy’s recollection of declining to do cocaine with Robin Williams and John Belushi underscores a significant moment in his early career.

By choosing to abstain from drugs, Murphy avoided potential pitfalls that have claimed the lives of many in the entertainment industry.

His story serves as a reminder of the importance of making conscious choices and the potential impact of those decisions on one’s future.