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Election Integrity Lawsuits Gain Steam, See Success Ahead of November

 June 17, 2024

Recent rulings on election-related lawsuits are poised to shape the integrity of the 2024 presidential race.

Most of the recently litigated cases regarding changes in election laws and candidate eligibility have been resolved in favor of those seeking greater integrity measures and accountability, as Just the News reports.

The flurry of legal challenges began as early as 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, when approximately 400 lawsuits were filed by both political parties, disputing various election procedures and laws. This history sets the stage for the current climate of electoral litigation.

From Pandemic to Political Clarity: The Evolution of Election Integrity Lawsuits

Marshall Trigg, junior counsel for Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE), highlighted the shift in the legal landscape in the wake of the pandemic.

"Legislation has been tightened, highly skilled lawyers have taken over cases, COVID hysteria is gone and there are far fewer legal justifications for evading the core issues in the courtroom," he stated, underscoring a more focused approach to election litigation.

The recent decisions, therefore, come at a time when legal challenges are no longer overshadowed by pandemic-related exceptions but are instead scrutinized under the lens of established law.

Supreme Court Decisions Highlight Major Election Integrity Wins

In a landmark ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on the case of Donald Trump v. Norma Anderson in March.

The Supreme Court overturned a Colorado Supreme Court decision that had deemed former President Donald Trump ineligible to appear on the 2024 ballot.

The ruling stated, "Because the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates," reaffirming Trump's candidacy eligibility amidst allegations of inciting the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

The case originated from Colorado, focusing on Trump's actions and their implications on his eligibility, reflecting a significant judicial influence on candidate qualification debates.

Pennsylvania and Mississippi: State Laws and Legal Interpretations

Another pivotal decision came from Pennsylvania, where the Third Circuit upheld the state's requirement for mail-in ballots to be both dated and signed in the case of Pennsylvania State Conference of the NAACP v. Chapman. This ruling reinforced procedural requirements for mail-in voting, a subject of extensive legal and political debate.

In contrast, Judicial Watch's involvement in Mississippi revolved around a challenge to the state's laws permitting the counting of absentee ballots post-Election Day. While this lawsuit highlights ongoing disputes over absentee ballot protocols, its outcome is still pending, illustrating the continued contentious nature of election law interpretation.

Other Notable Legal Developments Across the States

In Arizona, America First Legal initially filed a lawsuit accusing Maricopa County of multiple state election law violations.

However, this lawsuit was later withdrawn, indicating possibly evolving legal strategies or reconsiderations by plaintiffs.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, a lawsuit aimed at eliminating the witness requirement for absentee voting was dismissed last month, upholding existing voting procedures and reinforcing state authority over election regulations.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive Overview of Election Integrity Litigation

To summarize, the majority of recent election-related lawsuits have resulted in decisions that support the principles of election integrity.

These cases have covered a wide range of issues from candidate eligibility to specific voting procedures, shaping the legal framework within which the 2024 presidential election will be conducted.

The courts have thus played a crucial role in delineating the contours of lawful electoral processes, ensuring that election laws are applied consistently and judiciously across the United States.