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FBI investigating Dem mayor for corruption and misuse of office

 February 23, 2024

The FBI is investigating Tiffany Henyard, the Democratic mayor of Dolton, Illinois, for alleged misconduct and misuse of office.

In a small Illinois town, the FBI is probing Henyard, the self-proclaimed "super-mayor," over serious allegations. The concerns revolve around financial mismanagement and misuse of public resources, casting a shadow over her leadership, the Daily Mail reported.

Charity shutdown sparks controversy

Henyard's charity, "Tiffany Henyard Cares," was recently shut down by the Illinois Attorney General due to alleged financial corruption.

Investigations revealed that Henyard utilized taxpayer money and public employees to support the charity, which was not officially registered with the state. This has raised questions about the integrity of her actions and the potential misuse of public funds.

Henyard's financial dealings have come under scrutiny, with accusations of using public funds for personal benefits. The closure of her charity by the state adds to the growing list of concerns regarding her stewardship of the town's resources. This has led to a deeper investigation into her activities and the overall financial health of Dolton.

Despite these allegations, a spokesperson for Henyard stated that her office has not been made aware of any ongoing investigations.

They claim that neither Henyard nor the Village of Dolton has received subpoenas or been contacted by the FBI or any other law enforcement agency. This statement contrasts sharply with the mounting evidence and claims from local residents and officials.

Residents and officials raise alarms

Henyard's actions have not only attracted the attention of authorities but have also caused unrest among the town's residents and board members.

Accusations of shutting down businesses that refused to donate to her campaign and retaliating against dissenters have painted a picture of a leader using her power for personal gain. Her behavior has led to a comparison with Nino Brown, a movie gangster known for his ruthless tactics, further tarnishing her reputation.

The mayor's extravagant lifestyle, funded by the town's budget, has been a significant point of contention. Her high salary, alongside expenses for personal styling, travel, and security, has raised questions about the prioritization of public funds. This spending spree has reportedly left the small town in a considerable amount of debt, causing concern among citizens and trustees alike.

Village of Dolton Trustee Kiana Belcher expressed her disappointment, stating:

People look at politics like a joke, it's like a mockery right now because of all this stuff.

Henyard's theatrical appearances at board meetings, sometimes characteristic of a movie character, have only added to the sense of disbelief among the community.

Financial extravagance leads to scrutiny

Henyard's handling of the town's finances has been marked by controversy, with allegations of excessive spending on personal luxuries and first-class travel at the expense of public funds. These actions have led to a lack of trust in her leadership, with many calling for transparency and accountability in the use of town resources.

The situation escalated when Henyard was criticized for sky-high salary and the use of city funds for personal appearances. This criticism was met with defiance from Henyard, who accused her critics of targeting her because of her race and position of power. Her responses to these allegations have further fueled the controversy surrounding her tenure as mayor.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves because you all are black. You all are Black! And you all sitting up here beating and attacking a Black woman that's in power," Henyard retorted during a public meeting.

Legal challenges and public outcry

The mounting allegations against Henyard have led to legal challenges and a public outcry for accountability. Trustees in the town have filed a lawsuit against her, alleging forgery and accusing her of withholding financial records. This legal action highlights the deep divisions between the mayor and other town officials, underscoring the urgent need for clarity and resolution.

Henyard's tenure has been marked by several controversial decisions, including hiring practices and security expenditures that have been questioned by both the public and trustees. These actions, coupled with her alleged retaliation against critics, have painted a complex picture of her leadership and the challenges facing the town of Dolton.

The controversy surrounding Henyard's leadership extends beyond financial mismanagement to include her handling of personnel and security.

The hiring of a convicted sex offender for a position that required entry into private homes has raised serious concerns about her judgment and the safety of the community. This, along with her significant security budget, has left many questioning her priorities and the impact on public safety.

Henyard's leadership under the microscope

Henyard's approach to governance, characterized by a mix of defiance, extravagance, and controversial decisions, has led to a divisive atmosphere in Dolton.

Her actions have sparked debates about leadership ethics, the use of public funds, and the responsibilities of elected officials to their constituents.

As the investigation unfolds, the community awaits answers and accountability.


  • The FBI is investigating Mayor Tiffany Henyard of Dolton, Illinois, over allegations of misconduct and misuse of office.
  • Henyard's charity was shut down by the Illinois attorney general due to alleged financial corruption.
  • Despite the allegations, Henyard's office claims they have not been made aware of any ongoing investigations.
  • Henyard's leadership style and financial dealings have caused unrest among the town's residents and board members, with accusations of shutting down businesses that refuse to donate to her campaign and retaliating against dissenters.
  • Henyard's extravagant lifestyle, funded by the town's budget, has been a significant point of contention.
  • Henyard's approach to governance has led to a divisive atmosphere in Dolton.