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FCC Restores Obama-Era Net Neutrality Under Democratic Leadership

 April 26, 2024

In a notable policy shift, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has reinstated net neutrality rules from the Obama era.

Breitbart reported that the reinstatement of net neutrality has reignited discussions on the regulation's impacts and necessity, as Breitbart reported.

The Obama-era net neutrality regulations aimed to prevent ISPs from blocking, throttling, or engaging in paid prioritization of internet service. President Donald Trump's administration, led by then-FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, removed these rules.

Recently, the FCC, now with a Democrat majority, reversed this decision by voting to restore these regulations. This move reintroduced rules from Title II of the Communications Act, treating ISPs more like public utilities.

However, the decision faced criticism. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr opposed the revival, describing it as a power maneuver by the administrative state.

Debating The Impact Of Net Neutrality

"Net neutrality is a leftist power grab by the administrative state," Brendan Carr, an FCC commissioner, told Breitbart News, labeling it an "unlawful overreach." Carr warns that the policy change threatens to undermine the broadband enhancements and price reductions observed post its repeal.

Supporters and opponents of net neutrality restoration have highlighted varying impacts on internet performance and pricing. Reports show that since the repeal until recently, internet speeds increased by 430% for fixed broadband and 647% for mobile broadband, with notable declines in actual internet service prices.

However, the criticism goes beyond service and pricing. Former Breitbart News reporter Allum Bokhari criticized the selective regulation focus. Bokhari pointed out, "Democrats want the rule applied to service providers, which are not in the habit of kicking off internet users for their political viewpoints, while not recommending similar regulations on the companies and platforms that are responsible for suppressing online discourse over the past five years."

Big Tech Concerns Underline Regulatory Debates

Amid discussions, Google blocking access to several California news outlets during a legislative standoff raised concerns about big tech's control over free expression.

This incident underscores the complexity of internet regulation, where not just ISPs but also large tech companies shape how content is accessed and shared.

James Czerniawski, a senior policy analyst at Americans for Prosperity, criticized the FCC's vote to restore Net Neutrality, calling it a "net loss for Americans." He described it as "Bidenomics for the web," predicting it would increase costs, restrict choice, and hinder innovation.

Looking Beyond Net Neutrality

Despite controversies, Adam Brandon, President of FreedomWorks, reminded of the exaggerated fallout predicted when net neutrality was initially repealed. "We were told when the policy was repealed under the Trump administration that the internet was over. Sure enough, that wasn't the case," he noted.

Czerniawski suggested the FCC should focus on alternative measures. "Rather than bringing back a partisan scheme that makes our internet worse, the FCC should be focused on restoring its spectrum authority and working to close the digital divide," he recommended.

As debates continue, it's clear that net neutrality and broader digital regulations remain contested and evolving topics affecting numerous aspects of American digital life.

Net Neutrality's Broad Implications For Future Internet Policy

In conclusion, the FCC's reinstatement of net neutrality under a Democratic majority has sparked wide-ranging debates on internet service regulation, impacting free speech and technological innovation. With opinions sharply divided, stakeholders closely monitor internet policy and regulation developments.