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Former RFK Jr. Staffers Launch Trump Support Super PAC

 September 8, 2024

Former staffers of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign have formed a new super PAC, titled Make America Healthy Again, to back Donald Trump’s bid for the White House.

According to Newsmax, the political action committee aims to redirect Kennedy supporters toward Trump, focusing on key swing and blue states.

Spokesperson Jeff Hutt confirmed the formation of Make America Healthy Again and explained that roughly a dozen former staffers from Kennedy’s now-suspended independent presidential campaign have joined forces for this new initiative. Many of these individuals were previously field team members who worked directly on Kennedy’s efforts to reach voters across the country.

PAC Focuses on Swing States

The PAC’s primary mission is to convince voters who initially supported Kennedy to cast their votes for Trump instead. With Kennedy still on the ballot in several states due to ongoing legal challenges, the group intends to focus on areas where his name remains a factor. They will target crucial swing states and traditionally blue states, including Virginia and New Hampshire, which they see as pivotal battlegrounds in the upcoming election.

Kennedy himself has publicly called on his supporters to back Trump, urging them to consider the broader consequences of the election. “As you know, this could be a very close election,” Kennedy said. “A disputed election result would be a disaster for our divided nation. President Trump needs to win in a landslide both in the Electoral College and the popular vote. He can’t do it unless my supporters join him and look at the big picture.”

PAC Strategy Aims to Unify Voters

According to Hutt, the goal of the PAC is not only to help Trump win but to ensure that Kennedy has a “seat at the table” if Trump secures the presidency. “This is what we need to do to get Mr. Kennedy over the finish line,” Hutt stated. “Now they need to take that energy and refocus it into getting Mr. Kennedy a seat at the table at the White House with a unity ticket with Donald Trump.”

While Kennedy’s campaign has faced its own set of legal challenges, including efforts to remove his name from ballots in certain states, his influence remains strong among certain voter blocs. The Make America Healthy Again PAC plans to capitalize on this support and leverage it to increase Trump’s chances of success, particularly in states where the competition could be tight.

Financial Disclosure Set for October

As the PAC ramps up its operations, observers will closely monitor its financial activities. Make America Healthy Again must file its first financial disclosure with the Federal Election Commission on October 15. This filing will provide a clearer picture of the PAC’s financial backing and how much it has raised to support its efforts to sway Kennedy’s supporters toward Trump.

The timing of this disclosure is significant, as it will come just weeks before Election Day, offering insight into how much influence the PAC might have in the final stages of the presidential race. The PAC's leaders remain optimistic, but whether the group’s strategy will pay off in swing states like Virginia and New Hampshire is yet to be seen.

Kennedy’s Continued Support for Trump

Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump marks a significant political shift, as the former presidential hopeful throws his support behind the Republican frontrunner. “No matter what state you live in, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump,” Kennedy said in a public statement.

This move has raised eyebrows among political observers, as Kennedy initially ran as an independent candidate with a focus on public health issues and vaccine skepticism. However, his support for Trump reflects a growing alliance between the two camps, with both sides seeking to unite their voter bases to ensure a Republican victory in November.

PAC Looks to Build Momentum

With less than two months until the election, the Make America Healthy Again PAC is moving quickly to build momentum. Its focus on key swing states, along with Kennedy’s public endorsement of Trump, could have a significant impact on the outcome of the race.

As the PAC gears up for its first major financial disclosure in mid-October, political analysts will be watching closely to see how much support the group can muster. For now, the PAC’s leaders remain confident that their efforts will help Trump secure the presidency with the backing of Kennedy’s most loyal supporters.

PAC Pushes for Unity Ticket

One of the PAC’s long-term goals is to establish a “unity ticket” between Trump and Kennedy, according to Hutt. Although no formal announcement has confirmed such a partnership, their supporters have increasingly embraced the idea of uniting their political movements.

Hutt emphasized the importance of maintaining the energy that Kennedy’s campaign generated and redirecting it toward Trump’s bid for the White House. “Now they need to take that energy and refocus it into getting Mr. Kennedy a seat at the table at the White House with a unity ticket with Donald Trump,” Hutt said.

As the election approaches, the PAC will continue its efforts to unify these two voter bases and rally support for Trump in critical battleground states.