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Former WH Photographer Raises Alarms Over Biden's Cognitive Health, Says Concerns Not New

 July 2, 2024

Following President Joe Biden's poor performance in a recent debate, concerns about his cognitive abilities and day-to-day functionality have come to light, with former aides and insiders providing critical insights.

Now, a former White House staffer has come forward to suggest that there is good reason for alarm about Biden's condition and that worries about his mental state among administration insiders are not new, as the Daily Mail reports.

Debate Performance Sparks Health Concerns

Chandler West, former White House deputy director of photography, has emerged to publicly sound the alarm about Biden's capabilities.

West, who served from January 2021 to May 2022, expressed doubts about Biden's ability to perform his duties effectively. "It's time for Joe to go," West stated, adding that what the public saw during the debate was not an isolated incident but a reflection of Biden's current state.

The campaign's response to the debate performance was to label it as merely a "slow start." Vice President Kamala Harris, when questioned about Biden's daily performance, avoided addressing the issue directly. She emphasized Biden's ability to bring people together and work across party lines.

Reports of Limited Access and Shielding

Reporters have long complained about receiving limited access to Biden, with White House wranglers keeping his interactions with the press tightly controlled.

Speculation has arisen that first lady Jill Biden and her aide, Anthony Bernal, have been shielding Biden in this way ever since he took office. This has further fueled suspicions about his health and mental status.

A notable incident on July 4, 2021, in which Biden retreated inside the White House due to heat, raised staff suspicions about his health management in that access to the president beyond his immediate circle was swiftly denied.

This event has been cited by some as an example of the ongoing concerns regarding Biden's physical and cognitive well-being.

Polling Data Reflects Growing Doubts

A recent poll released on Sunday shows that 72% of voters doubt Biden's cognitive abilities for another term, an increase of 7% from a similar poll earlier in June. This growing skepticism among voters underscores the increasing concern about Biden's fitness for office.

Former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson has consistently questioned Biden's cognitive and physical health. Jackson suggested that Biden's seven-day debate preparation at Camp David was designed to help doctors perfect a drug regimen to be administered before the president faced Trump on the stage. This assertion has added to the controversy surrounding Biden's health.

Insiders Speak Out

West has been vocal about his observations during his time at the White House.

"They will say he has a 'cold' or just experienced a 'bad night,' but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago," West remarked. He emphasized that the debate was not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of decline.

Another former White House residence official echoed these sentiments, noting the significant separation between the family and the residence staff.

"The separation between the family and the residence staff was so big, so divided. It's not supposed to be and usually isn't, even in the Trump White House," the official said.


Following Biden's recent debate performance, concerns about his cognitive abilities and daily functionality have intensified. While the White House attributes his performance to a cold, former aides and insiders suggest deeper issues.

Complaints about limited press access, shielding by close aides, and growing skepticism among voters add to the controversy. Chandler West's public criticisms highlight ongoing doubts about Biden's health and capability to serve another term.

As speculation continues, the American public remains divided, with some calling for greater transparency and others still defending Biden's ability to lead.