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Group of Republicans signs discharge petition to bypass Speaker Mike Johnson on foreign aid

 February 23, 2024

A group of House Republicans is signing a discharge petition to bypass Speaker Mike Johnson and bring a Senate-backed foreign aid package, including support for Ukraine, to a vote.

In a bold move, the group known as Republicans for Ukraine is spearheading an effort to encourage a select group of House GOP members to sign what is known as a discharge petition.

This strategic action aims to circumvent Speaker Mike Johnson's stance and ensure that a Senate-passed foreign aid package is brought to the floor for a vote, as Newsmax reported.

Discharge petition as a strategic tool

Earlier in the month, the Senate approved a substantial $95 billion security bill, with $60 billion earmarked for Ukraine. However, Speaker Johnson has been adamant about not advancing any foreign aid legislation that fails to address the issues at the U.S. southern border.

Gunner Ramer, a spokesperson for Republicans for Ukraine, highlighted the historical ethos of the Republican Party, emphasizing its long-standing opposition to dictators and its role in leading the free world. Ramer noted the importance of supporting Ukraine in its current struggle against Russian aggression, reflecting the party's traditional values.

A discharge petition, a rarely used legislative maneuver, is now being considered to overcome the impasse in the House. It requires a certain number of signatures from House members to force a bill onto the floor without the speaker's consent, a challenging task that demands bipartisan support.

The campaign specifically targets ten Republican representatives known for their leadership on issues of national security and support for Ukraine. These members include Reps. Mike Gallagher, Ken Buck, and Mike McCaul, among others.

The importance of solidarity and leadership

Ramer passionately argued for the necessity of these members to exhibit leadership by supporting the discharge petition. By doing so, he said, they would not only affirm their commitment to Ukraine's cause but also have the opportunity to make a significant impact on history.

Ramer said:

Republicans have a chance to make history, but only if they get to vote. That's why they should sign a discharge petition — it only takes four, but there's safety in numbers.

The campaign has also launched a series of one-minute videos featuring lifelong Republicans who articulate the importance of continuing support for Ukraine. These personal testimonies highlight the widespread belief among party members in the necessity of aiding Ukraine in its defense efforts.

Public sentiment and historical legacy

Voices from the campaign, like Judy from Texas and Rudolph from South Carolina, have made impassioned pleas reminding Republicans of their party's legacy and the importance of standing against tyranny.

They invoke the memory of Ronald Reagan, urging current members to uphold the principles of democracy and freedom.

The claimed urgency of this campaign has been underscored by recent statements from Russian officials, indicating a potential escalation in aggression towards Ukraine. This has added a sense of immediacy to the need for U.S. support.

Furthermore, the financial breakdown of the aid package reveals that a significant portion of the funds will bolster U.S. defense manufacturing, with nearly $40 billion allocated to American factories producing military equipment. This aspect emphasizes the dual benefit of the aid package, supporting both Ukraine and the U.S. defense industry.

Global implications of the aid package

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has reiterated the strategic importance of the aid, framing it as a commitment to modernizing the U.S. military and reinforcing the nation's global stance. McConnell's statements highlight the broader geopolitical implications of the aid package.

In addition to supporting Ukraine, the bill allocates funds for Israel and U.S. military operations in the Middle East, showcasing the package's comprehensive approach to global security challenges.

With a substantial portion of the aid dedicated to enhancing Israel's air defenses, including funding for innovative laser weapons systems, the bill represents a multifaceted effort to support allies and maintain stability in volatile regions.


  • A group of House Republicans is being encouraged to sign a discharge petition to bring a Senate foreign aid package to a vote, bypassing Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • The Senate-approved package includes significant support for Ukraine, with implications for U.S. defense manufacturing and international relations.
  • The campaign highlights the historical commitment of the Republican Party to opposing tyranny and supporting democratic values, urging members to uphold this legacy.