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House Democrats Withdraw Support From Ethics Bill After White House Discussions

 June 18, 2024

Several House Democrats have withdrawn their backing for a bipartisan ethics bill following conversations with White House officials, according to a recent report.

The about-face comes after Rep. Katie Porter expressed disappointment over the sudden reversal, emphasizing the bill’s objective to bolster White House oversight, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Last month, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), alongside House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), unveiled the Presidential Ethics Reform Act. This legislative proposal is, according to its supporters, designed to establish stringent oversight mechanisms over the executive office.

The bill includes key stipulations requiring the president and vice president to disclose foreign payments, costly gifts, and loan transactions. Additionally, their tax returns from specified periods would need to be transparent.

Moreover, immediate family members of the president and vice president must report any foreign payments, gifts, or loans. The bill also mandates disclosure of the use of official travel means for personal business.

Initial Bipartisan Support Begins to Diminish

Despite the initial momentum in securing bipartisan support, the bill began to lose traction among House Democrats. At least three of the co-sponsors rescinded their support shortly after its introduction.

Those who withdrew their backing include Reps. Ro Khanna (D-CA), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), and Kweisi Mfume (D-MD). These members had initially agreed to co-sponsor the bill but later expressed concerns over its implications.

The Democrats cited fears that the legislation could be wielded unfairly against President Biden and his family ahead of the 2024 election. They asserted that the bill was too extensive in its reach.

Democrats Claim Independence in Decision

The lawmakers insisted their decisions were made independently, without any undue influence from the White House. Rep. Khanna clarified his stance by explaining that he withdrew his support after careful review of the bill.

"I made the decision independently. No one called me," Khanna stated. He emphasized that the bill appeared to be a partisan tool rather than genuine bipartisan reform.

Mfume echoed a similar sentiment, highlighting his preference for a larger bipartisan effort. "I was under the belief that there would be, and when there wasn't, I just said, 'Let me step off,'" Mfume remarked.

Rep. Porter’s Response and Continued Support

Rep. Katie Porter expressed her disappointment over the sudden withdrawal of support from her colleagues. "When I landed, I was really disappointed to learn that those co-sponsors had decided not to support the bill after conversations with the White House," she mentioned.

Despite the setbacks, Porter remains optimistic that more Democratic colleagues will eventually rally behind the bill. She reiterated the legislation’s primary goal of enhancing government and democratic processes.

"Our job in Congress is to pass legislation that improves our government," Porter asserted. She emphasized that the bill is not intended to punish or reward individuals but to strengthen democracy.

Efforts to Secure Future Bipartisan Support

According to Porter, the legislation meets the essential criteria for improving American democracy. "It is to pass legislation that improves the lives of the American people and improves our democracy, and this legislation meets that test," she stated.

Porter emphasized the importance of considering the bill’s merits rather than focusing on its sponsors. "Is this legislation that would make our democracy stronger? And the answer is a clear, unqualified yes," she concluded.

The Washington Examiner reached out to the involved lawmakers and a White House spokesperson for further comments. While Mfume declined to comment, the overall sentiment among the Democrats who withdrew support underscores the complex dynamics at play.

As discussions continue, the future of the Presidential Ethics Reform Act remains uncertain. However, proponents like Rep. Porter are determined to navigate through the challenges and achieve the intended bipartisan support.

In conclusion, the withdrawal of support from House Democrats for the Presidential Ethics Reform Act came after discussions with the White House, sparking controversy. Despite their claims of independent decision-making, the move brought attention to the complexities of securing bipartisan support for legislation purportedly aimed at increasing governmental transparency and accountability.