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Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker begs for 'mercy' over migrant crisis

 January 16, 2024

Drawing attention to what he says is a pressing humanitarian issue, Democrat Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has requested Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop sending migrants to Chicago, citing severe weather concerns and the city's already strained resources.

Amid a backdrop of frigid winter conditions, Pritzker has issued a heartfelt plea to Abbott. The request is simple yet urgent: to cease the transportation of migrants to Chicago, a self-proclaimed sanctuary jurisdiction.

This appeal comes as the city, known for its harsh winters, braces for an impending spell of inclement weather. The issue is exacerbated by the recent revelation that Chicago is now home to 34,562 asylum seekers -- a figure that exceeds prior estimates by over 4,000 individuals, as reported by the Daily Mail.

The increasing strain on Chicago's resources

In a direct communication, Pritzker emphasized the dire situation.

He wrote:

While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves.

His message, filled with concern, was addressed to Abbott and was later shared with the public by the Chicago Sun-Times.

Pritzker's plea highlights a stark reality: the city's resources are stretched thin as it scrambles to accommodate the influx of asylum seekers.

These individuals, many of whom are families, are currently housed in 27 temporary shelters throughout the city. However, with the arrival of winter, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, placing these vulnerable groups at risk.

A response from Texas and the plight of migrants

In response to Pritzker's request, Abbott's office made its stance clear.

The governor's staff stated he would only halt the migrant transports when President Joe Biden secures the border. Abbott's spokesman, Andrew Mahaleris, communicated this to the Sun-Times, stressing the need for federal action to address the border situation.

Mahaleris further commented:

Instead of complaining about migrants sent from Texas, where we are also preparing to experience severe winter weather across the state, Governor Pritzker should call on his party leader to finally do his job and secure the border.

This response underscores the ongoing political tension surrounding the issue of immigration and border security in the United States.

The harsh winter's impact on migrants

Chicago, already grappling with the challenges of accommodating a significant number of asylum seekers, is facing the additional burden of extreme winter conditions.

Wind chills in the city have plummeted to minus 17 degrees, posing a severe threat to the well-being of these individuals, many of whom are unprepared for such harsh weather.

The city has taken emergency measures to protect the migrants from the cold.

Hundreds have been placed in temporary shelters, while others find refuge in warming buses stationed at the city's landing zone.

Despite these efforts, the situation remains critical, with many still sheltering in inadequate conditions such as sidewalks, police stations, and even the city's busiest airport.

Broader implications and efforts in Chicago

The crisis in Chicago is part of a larger narrative unfolding in several Democrat-led cities across the country.

Cities such as Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York are also experiencing similar influxes of asylum seekers. New York, for instance, has received over 120,000 asylum seekers, highlighting the national scale of the issue.

In response to this unprecedented situation, Illinois has committed an additional $160 million to support the resettlement of migrants arriving in Chicago. This includes $65 million dedicated to building and operating two temporary shelters, ensuring that individuals are not forced to sleep out in the cold.

Additionally, the state has allocated $4 million in partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to provide meals for the asylum seekers.

Concerns over safety

Concerns have also been raised regarding the safety and adequacy of the shelters provided.

Chicago had previously spent nearly $1 million on a migrant camp in Brighton Park, which was later abandoned due to safety concerns stemming from toxic chemicals and heavy metals found on the site.

This incident, coupled with the tragic case of a five-year-old boy who fell ill and passed away at an overcrowded shelter, underscores the urgent need for adequate and safe housing solutions for these vulnerable populations.

Mayors call for more federal aid

The mayors of Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York have united in their call for increased federal aid to manage the surge in asylum seekers.

They emphasize the growing strain on their cities' resources and the need for a coordinated national response to this humanitarian issue.

The influx of migrants in these Democrat-led cities is partly attributed to the actions of Republican governors from Texas and Florida. These governors have funded bus journeys for migrants to northern sanctuary cities, a move initially dismissed as a political stunt but has since evolved into a significant challenge for the recipient cities.


  • Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker urges Texas to stop sending migrants to Chicago due to severe weather.
  • Chicago faces a significant increase in asylum seekers, with over 34,000 migrants received to date.
  • Other cities like Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York also grappling with similar migrant influxes.
  • Illinois allocates funds to support migrant resettlement, but cities struggle with resource constraints.
  • Political tensions rise between states over the handling of the migrant crisis and border security issues.