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Jim Jordan Urges Budget Cuts For Trump Prosecutors

 June 4, 2024

In a controversial move, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan proposed a series of budget cuts targeting prosecutors handling criminal cases against former President Donald Trump.

Jordan’s fiscal year 2025 budget request aims to slash funding for these prosecutors, claiming the cases are politically motivated and unfairly target Trump, as the Daily Wire reports.

On Monday, Jordan (R-OH) submitted his budget request to House Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK). His plan includes defunding prosecutors involved in Trump’s legal battles on both the state and federal levels.

Prosecutors In Trump Cases Targeted For Cuts

Although the budget request does not mention specific prosecutors by name, it highlights cases that match Trump's legal issues. The House Judiciary Committee GOP confirmed on X that the funding cuts would focus on Trump's prosecutors.

Prosecutors indirectly targeted by Jordan’s proposal include Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James. Additionally, Jordan's plan recommends removing federal funding for state prosecutors and attorneys general engaged in what he terms "lawfare."

Jordan claimed in a cover letter accompanying the budget request that there has been a troubling rise in politicized prosecutions. “We have conducted oversight of the troubling rise in politicized prosecutions and the use of abusive ‘lawfare’ tactics to target political opponents,” the lawmaker wrote.

Trump's Legal Battles Highlighted

Last week, a New York jury found Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The charges pertain to alleged payments made to conceal an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, aiming to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Trump has denied the affair, pleaded not guilty to the charges, and has called the verdict a "scam." He plans to appeal the decision, maintaining his innocence and labeling the case a "witch hunt."

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who prosecuted the case, praised the jury's verdict. “The facts and the law without fear or favor,” Bragg stated, emphasizing the impartial nature of the proceedings.

More Criminal Cases Looming for Trump

As Trump seeks re-election, he is facing three other criminal matters at both state and federal levels. Special counsel Jack Smith is leading two cases: one involving classified documents in Florida and another related to the 2020 election in Washington, D.C.

Additionally, Georgia’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is heading a separate case related to the 2020 election. Trump has pleaded not guilty and continues to argue that he is a victim of political persecution.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) expressed support for Jordan’s budget proposal, vowing that Republicans would use all available measures to combat what he described as political bias in the judicial system aimed at targeting political opponents.

Republican Strategy To Counter Prosecutions

“We will fight back with everything in our arsenal against political retribution in the court system to go after political opponents,” Johnson said. He added that Republicans have the necessary funding streams and mechanisms to control such actions within their jurisdiction.

Republican senators, although in the minority in the Democrat-controlled Senate, also pledged to oppose President Joe Biden's agenda and nominations in response to Trump's prosecutions.

Aside from targeting prosecutors, Jordan’s budget requests include measures focused on immigration enforcement, border security, and protecting FBI whistleblowers. He also aims to address increasing crime in Democrat-governed cities and tackle issues of internet censorship.

Opposition To FBI Relocation Plan Included

Jordan’s proposals extend to opposing the relocation of the FBI's headquarters from Washington, D.C., to Prince George’s County, Maryland. He suggested defunding non-essential FBI activities and rescinding previous appropriations for such a move.

The budget request also proposes prohibiting new funding for a new FBI headquarters facility, indicating a broader effort to reform aspects of the federal justice system perceived to be politically biased.

In conclusion, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan has presented a budget request to defund prosecutors involved in Donald Trump's criminal cases.

His proposals reflect a broader Republican strategy to combat perceived politicized prosecutorial actions, with measures including cuts to FBI funding and initiatives on immigration and border security.

Trump's ongoing legal battles continue to be a focal point, with significant implications for his re-election campaign and broader political landscape.