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Kamala Harris’ Work Ethics Questioned As Past Political Appointments Scrutinized

 September 25, 2024

Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris has faced renewed scrutiny over her past political appointments in California.

Harris, who was romantically involved with then-Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, was appointed to key positions during the 1990s, and questions about her dedication and attendance at meetings during that time have arisen, as the Daily Mail reports

One appointment Harris received was to the California Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC) in 1994, a role with which she was entrusted by Brown, and the recent controversy revolves around her frequent absences from CMAC meetings despite holding a well-paid position, sparking debates over whether she fulfilled her duties.

At the time of her appointment, Harris was 29 years old and involved in a romantic relationship with the 60-year-old Willie Brown. Their relationship lasted approximately a year, during which Harris received several political opportunities.

Among these, her appointment to CMAC -- a commission responsible for negotiating health care contracts on behalf of the state -- became the focal point of criticism, particularly when details of her attendance record came to light.

Harris Missed Numerous Meetings During Her Tenure

Harris served on CMAC for an extended period but frequently missed key meetings. A records review conducted by the Daily Mail found that Harris was absent from 23 out of 111 scheduled CMAC meetings, marking her as the most frequently absent commissioner. Although the commission was not a full-time commitment, members were expected to meet twice monthly, and Harris’ absence rate exceeded 20%.

In addition to her role on CMAC, Harris previously served on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, another appointment made by Brown. This position, which she held for six months, paid nearly $100,000 annually. Harris, who also worked at the Alameda County District Attorney's office, took leave from her position at the DA’s office to accommodate her commission work, but the reason behind her frequent absences remains unclear.

Romantic Ties Raise Questions About Career Advancement

Harris’ relationship with Brown has long been the subject of political debate, with critics questioning whether her appointments to these commissions were earned on merit or influenced by her personal connection.

Brown has openly acknowledged his role in Harris’ career progression, stating in a 2019 interview, “Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.” These appointments, over a five-year period, netted Harris more than $400,000 in income.

Although Harris has defended her record, the scrutiny of her absences from CMAC persisted, particularly as she entered the public eye during her run for San Francisco District Attorney. At the time, Harris was often questioned about her state board roles and her work ethic.

Harris Defends Her Work Despite Criticism

In interviews given during her campaign to become San Francisco's district attorney, Harris pushed back against accusations that she had not earned her positions or failed to contribute. She emphasized her dedication to the roles, despite the controversy surrounding her attendance.

“Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work,” Harris said in a 2003 interview with SF Weekly. Similarly, she reiterated her efforts in a conversation with the San Francisco City Journal, stating, “Well, I worked.”

Harris’ defense, however, has not entirely quelled critics. Her absences, coupled with the high pay associated with the CMAC position -- reported at $99,000 per year by SF Weekly -- continued to be a point of contention. Even as she asserted, “I've worked my ass off for everything I have,” the narrative of Harris benefiting from her personal relationship with Brown lingered.

Political Impact of Harris’ Appointments

Harris’ tenure on CMAC and the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board have often been highlighted as steppingstones in her political career, propelling her into the role of San Francisco district attorney and, eventually, into national politics. Brown’s acknowledgment of his influence on Harris’ early career has remained a subject of conversation as she ascended to higher offices. While Harris has sought to distance herself from the implications of favoritism, the optics of her appointments have remained controversial.

Throughout the years, the question of Harris’ absences from CMAC has remained a sticking point for critics. The position required relatively minimal time commitments -- meeting only twice a month -- yet her attendance record raised doubts about her commitment to the role. Despite this, Harris went on to successfully build a career that culminated in her election as Vice President of the United States.

Conclusion: The Legacy of Harris' Early Career

Kamala Harris' early political career and her appointments by Willie Brown continue to fuel debates over her qualifications and work ethic.

While Harris has maintained that she "did the work" in her roles, her frequent absences from CMAC and her high-paying state positions have drawn scrutiny.

Brown’s role in advancing Harris’ career has been openly acknowledged, but the full impact of these appointments on her rise remains a topic of ongoing discussion.

Harris has consistently defended her career, stating she earned her successes through hard work, even as her early years remain a focal point of criticism.