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Lawsuits Over Mail-In Ballots Poised to Influence 2024 Presidential Race

 July 2, 2024

The 2024 presidential election could hinge on judicial decisions in swing states concerning mail-in voting rules, as conservatives and liberals clash over regulations that could impact voter turnout.

While Trump campaigns for early and mail-in voting, lawsuits in key states are challenging the methods and rules around absentee ballots, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Swing states hold a decisive role in the upcoming elections, and judicial activists are working to change mail-in voting rules in these states. During the 2020 presidential election, many states expanded mail-in voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These states relaxed their rules, sent absentee ballot applications to all registered voters, installed ballot drop boxes, and allowed curbside voting.

Trump attributed his 2020 loss to changes in voting procedures and alleged mail-in voting fraud. In response, he is now encouraging his supporters to utilize all voting methods, including mail-in voting. Meanwhile, lawsuits funded by conservative groups are challenging mail-in voting rules in these critical states, focusing primarily on verifying ballot signatures and the usage of ballot drop boxes.

Arizona, Georgia See Court Battles

In Arizona, a judge upheld the signature matching and drop box procedures for mail-in voting in late April. Lawsuits by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club that aimed to challenge these procedures were rejected. As of June 30, Trump has a 5-point lead over Biden in Arizona.

In Georgia, the Department of Justice intervened in a lawsuit against the state's absentee ballot application deadline in February. However, on June 13, a U.S. District Court dismissed the Georgia State Election Board from the case but allowed the case to continue against Fulton County. Trump currently enjoys a lead of 6.4 points over Biden in Georgia as of June 30.

RNC Victory in Michigan Voting Rules

A judge in Michigan partly sided with a lawsuit sponsored by the Republican National Committee (RNC) on June 12, which resulted in tighter signature verification rules.

Notably, most mail-in voting procedures in Michigan remained intact. According to polls, Trump has a 1.8-point lead over Biden as of June 30 in this state.

Ongoing Battle Over Mail-In Ballot Deadlines in Nevada

The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit challenging mail-in ballot receipt deadlines in Nevada in early May. The Biden campaign is seeking to have this lawsuit dismissed.

Trump holds a 3.7-point lead over Biden as of June 30 in Nevada.

North Carolina Voter Registration Controversy

In North Carolina, a federal judge blocked part of a new election law that affected same-day voter registration in January.

Presently, Trump leads Biden by 7.2 points in this battleground state.

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin Face Challenges

Grassroots organizations in Pennsylvania sued in late May to stop the disqualification of mail-in ballots over envelope date requirements. This local conflict conflicts with a ruling by the 3rd Circuit Court on this issue. As of June 30, Trump has a 1.9-point lead over Biden in Pennsylvania.

In Wisconsin, the state's Supreme Court may reverse a 2022 ruling that restricted the usage of ballot drop boxes.The outcome of this case could significantly impact the security of absentee voting. Trump holds a slim lead of less than one point over Biden in Wisconsin as of June 30.

Trump's Strategy and Supporter Engagement

The Trump campaign has been vocal about the importance of voting using every available method. “If we swamp them with votes they can’t cheat,” stated the campaign, emphasizing the need for Trump's supporters to register and vote.

Similarly, RNC Chairman Michael Whatley remarked on the court’s ruling in Michigan by stating, “The Secretary of State’s covert attempts to sidestep these rules were rightfully rejected by the court, exposing that her attacks on election integrity have no substance.” He highlighted this win as part of an ongoing effort to ensure fair and transparent elections.


The 2024 presidential race will heavily depend on the judicial decisions in key swing states concerning mail-in voting rules.  With Trump advocating all forms of voting while numerous conservative-funded lawsuits challenge these methods, the outcome remains uncertain.

Swing states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, are at the heart of these legal battles, and the results of these lawsuits could have far-reaching implications on voter turnout and the election’s final tallies.