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Obama's Deep Involvement in Biden's Campaign, Anxiety About Prospects, Revealed

 June 25, 2024

Former President Barack Obama is reportedly playing a crucial role in President Joe Biden's reelection campaign as concerns grow over Biden's chances against former President Donald Trump.

Obama's involvement includes strategic advising, fundraising, and voter outreach efforts to bolster Biden's campaign amid rising concerns about his electability, as Breitbart reports.

Obama Steps in as Biden Faces Trump Rematch

The former president began his active involvement in Biden's campaign after assessing the potential of a rematch with Trump. This decision was influenced by an Economist model from June that predicted Trump having a two-in-three chance of making a political comeback.

Adding to the urgency, a New York Times/Siena College survey conducted in March revealed that 73% of voters believe Biden is too old to be an effective president. This sentiment was echoed by 61% of those who supported Biden in the 2020 election.

Obama's strategic involvement encompasses various aspects of the campaign, aimed at strengthening Biden's position against Trump.

Advising on Strategy and Fundraising

Obama's role includes advising on digital budget strategies and engaging in public relations work, particularly with Hollywood celebrities. His efforts in fundraising have been significant, with Obama having already raised over $65 million for Biden's campaign.

He regularly communicates with Biden's campaign chair, O’Malley Dillon, and senior aide Anita Dunn to align on campaign strategies. His hands-on approach is seen as a critical factor in bolstering Biden’s efforts.

"[Obama’s involvement] includes advising on digital budget strategy, assisting in hands-on-public relations work with Hollywood celebrities, and fundraises for the president," a source close to the campaign stated.

Voter Outreach and Public Perception

In addition to his advisory role, Obama has been actively involved in voter outreach. He has filmed ten video clips for Biden’s digital advertisements, with more expected to follow. These videos aim to connect with voters and reinforce Biden's campaign messages.

Obama’s active participation underscores the campaign’s focus on countering the narrative surrounding Biden's age and electability.

Despite these efforts, the campaign faces challenges in shifting public perception. The New York Times/Siena College survey's results highlight the need for a robust campaign strategy.

Addressing Rumors and Misinformation

A recent video surfaced showing Obama guiding Biden offstage at a fundraiser, leading to unfounded rumors of sabotage. The White House quickly dismissed these rumors, labeling the video as a "cheap fake."

"The White House claimed the video was a ‘cheap fake,’" a spokesperson stated, aiming to quell any misinformation surrounding the incident.

This incident highlights the fractured media landscape and the challenges the campaign faces in managing public perception and combating misinformation.

Obama’s Confidence and Concerns

Obama has acknowledged to friends and supporters that the race is likely to be a nail-biter. His involvement is driven by the reality of a closely divided country and the possibility of Trump winning again.

"Those who are in regular touch with Obama say these nerves are not a reflection of any particular angst about Biden or his team but of the broader reality: The country is closely divided, the media landscape is fractured, and Donald Trump may very well win," a source close to Obama revealed.

Despite these concerns, Obama remains committed to supporting Biden's campaign through strategic advice and active participation in fundraising and voter outreach efforts.


Obama's deep involvement in Biden's reelection campaign highlights the high stakes of the upcoming election. His efforts in advising, fundraising, and voter outreach are crucial components of the campaign strategy aimed at countering concerns about Biden's electability and addressing the potential challenge posed by Trump.

As the campaign progresses, Obama's participation is expected to continue playing a vital role in shaping the strategy and execution of Biden’s reelection efforts.

In summary, Obama's multifaceted involvement in Biden's campaign underscores the complexities and challenges of the upcoming election, emphasizing what he believes is the need for a comprehensive and robust campaign strategy to secure a victory against Trump.