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Protestors descend onto Biden’s San Francisco hotel demanding Israel-Hamas ceasefire

 February 23, 2024

About 30 Pro-Palestinian protesters turned up at the hotel where President Joe Biden was staying in San Francisco on Thursday, chanting their demands for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Biden was staying at the luxury Fairmont hotel, where he had previously met with the widow and daughter of Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died in a Russian prison last week, as the Daily Mail reported.

A Message for Biden

The protest group mingled with hotel guests before breaking into chants using a loudspeaker as Biden was about to depart.

The group's chant, "Biden, Biden, you can't hide. We charge you with genocide," echoed through the hotel.

The protestors unfurled a banner saying, "Stop funding Genocide: End all U.S. aid to Israel."

Among the protesters was at least one individual donning a Jewish kippah, signifying diverse voices within the demonstration.

The demonstrators trailed behind the White House press corps throughout the hotel premises to underscore their message while Biden and his entourage prepared to depart.

The hotel continued to welcome guests, granting them access to the lobby and its shops without any checks.

However, they were not permitted approach the hotel's tower wing, which Secret Service agents had sealed off.

Despite his steadfast backing of Israel amid its bombardment of the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, resulting in over 28,000 casualties, Biden has largely evaded public displays of anger.

The Political Quagmire

President Biden's unwavering support for Israel amidst its military actions in Gaza has not gone unnoticed, sparking both international and domestic scrutiny.

Although Biden has largely been shielded from direct public criticism during his travels, the internal division within his own party has grown more evident.

The progressive faction has become increasingly outspoken against the Israeli offensive, signaling a potential rift.

This issue is not just a matter of foreign policy but also carries significant implications for domestic politics, especially in states with substantial Arab American and Muslim communities.

Michigan, a key battleground state with a large Arab American population, shows Biden trailing behind Trump in recent polls, underscoring the potential political ramifications of the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Following the protest, Biden addressed reporters in the hotel's parking garage. However, he did not reference the disruption and instead elaborated on his meeting with the Navalny family.

The president said of the late opposition leader, "He was a man of incredible courage and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that."