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RFK Jr. Backers Rally at White House Over Exclusion from CNN Debate

 June 28, 2024

Supporters of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gathered in Washington, D.C., this week to protest his exclusion from CNN's presidential debate.

Approximately 75 people attended the demonstration at the White House on behalf of RFK Jr., beginning began at 4 p.m. and concluding shortly after 7 p.m., as the Washington Examiner reports.

Jason Amatucci, Kennedy's campaign Virginia field director, organized the event with a small group of volunteers.

The rally saw participants chanting slogans such as “No Debate? No Democracy” and “Kennedy speaks for me” while expressing their support for Kennedy through speeches and a megaphone.

Chants And Speeches Heard at Protest

The protest's peak attendance saw around 75 people, though this number dwindled to just over a dozen by the end. Amatucci highlighted the urgency and grassroots nature of the protest, which was organized within two days.

"We wanted to show solidarity and stand with Mr. Kennedy," Amatucci said. "We think it’s a collusion by Trump and Biden and CNN to monetize our democracy, and it’s unfair to Mr. Kennedy."

Many participants were volunteers from Virginia, some having driven three hours to attend. They voiced their frustration over Kennedy's exclusion from the debate, which they saw as a barrier to democratic choice.

Protest Highlights Support for Kennedy

Kennedy, who failed to meet CNN's debate requirements, is hosting his own simultaneous event titled "The Real Debate." His supporters argue that his absence from the official debate stage is a disservice to voters seeking an alternative to the primary candidates.

"It’s really, you know, we talk about all this democracy. Everyone talks about democracy. Well, this is democracy," Amatucci added. "Do people want a third choice? And it’s Mr. Kennedy, and he does have a chance to win. He just has to get in front of the American public."

One protester, named Annabeth, expressed her admiration for Kennedy, calling him a "dreamboat" due to his work as an environmental lawyer. She noted that discovering Kennedy through a podcast had a significant impact on her views.

Funding And Campaign Challenges

Kennedy's campaign faces significant financial challenges compared to his rivals. In May, his campaign raised $2.6 million, a stark contrast to the $85 million raised by President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee and the $141 million by former President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee.

Amatucci accused CNN and major pharmaceutical companies of influencing the debate landscape.

"It’s a campaign contribution. They’re basically giving all this free time. … CNN is making money on this. Through advertising dollars because guess who advertises on CNN? Big Pharma. So Big Pharma is funding this debate, and they’re keeping Kennedy off in a roundabout way," he said.

Kennedy Boats Diverse Supporter Base

Kennedy's supporters are evenly split between liberals and conservatives, with many being previous Biden voters from the 2020 election. This diverse base underscores the appeal of Kennedy's platform across traditional party lines.

Despite the challenges, Kennedy's campaign remains optimistic. A campaign statement described "The Real Debate" as an event not to be missed, signaling their commitment to providing a platform for Kennedy's message.

Concluding the Protest

As the protest wound down, the remaining participants continued to voice their support for Kennedy, emphasizing the importance of his presence in the national dialogue. The event concluded shortly after 7 p.m., with a smaller, but still passionate, group of supporters.

In summary, Kennedy's supporters demonstrated outside the White House to demand his inclusion in the presidential debates. The protest, organized swiftly by campaign volunteers, highlighted concerns over democratic representation and the influence of corporate interests in the political process.

The rally was a testament to the dedication of Kennedy's supporters, who are committed to seeing him on the debate stage. Their efforts underscore the ongoing struggle for broader representation and the importance of alternative voices in the political arena.