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Schumer Pledges Vote on Bump Stock Ban in Wake of SCOTUS Ruling

 June 17, 2024

In the wake of a significant Supreme Court ruling, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has declared his intention to reintroduce a legislative ban on bump stocks.

The New York Democrat's move comes directly after the Supreme Court overturned a prior federal prohibition on these devices, as CBS News reports.

The Genesis of the Bump Stock Ban Controversy

The discourse around bump stocks, a firearm attachment that essentially increases a gun’s firing rate, escalated following the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the deadliest in U.S. history.

In response to this tragedy, a federal ban on bump stocks was instituted in 2018 by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Last week, however, this ban was struck down by the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision, citing that the ATF had exceeded its authority.

The Supreme Court’s decision has reopened national debates on gun control methods and public safety.

Citing the court as having shifted too far to the right, Schumer criticized the judgment, referring to the court as a "MAGA court that has gone off the edges of the far right yet again."

Immediate Responses from Political Leaders

Reacting swiftly to the Court’s decision, Schumer announced on a Sunday his plans to table a vote to reinstate the bump stock ban.

By proposing the vote under unanimous consent, the success of this legislative move can be blocked by any senator opposing the motion. Notably, this method expedites the voting process by skipping the debate phase if no objections are raised.

In his appeal, Schumer stressed the return of what he termed a “common sense” public safety rule, aiming to directly address the loophole exposed by the Supreme Court’s ruling.

He urged his Republican colleagues to support the motion in order to "protect the American people," signaling the non-partisan nature of public safety.

Presidential Support Amid Legislative Actions

President Joe Biden has also been vocal in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision. On the Friday following the court's ruling, he emphasized the importance of codifying the ban, stating that the decision "strikes down an important gun safety regulation" and lamenting that "Americans should not have to live in fear of this mass devastation." Biden has assured that he will sign the legislation into law if it successfully passes through Congress.

The backing from the president underscores his party's commitment to addressing and potentially reversing the Supreme Court's decision through legislative avenues. As Biden has indicated readiness to approve this legislation, the pressure is now on Congress to act.

Looking Forward: Challenges and Anticipated Debates

Despite Schumer's and Biden's clear positions, the path forward is fraught with political complexities.

Schumer himself acknowledges that the success of the legislation hinges on bipartisan support, particularly from Senate Republicans who are crucial for overcoming potential filibusters or blocks under unanimous consent.

This legislative effort to ban bump stocks represents more than just a regulatory change -- it is seen by some on the left as a reflexive move towards re-establishing a necessary norm in American gun laws amid a highly polarized political environment.

With Democrats ready to push the legislation forward, the coming days will be pivotal in determining how effectively the political system can address issues of gun control and public safety.

In conclusion, the motion to ban bump stocks by Schumer and supported by Biden marks a critical juncture in American legislative dynamics following a controversial Supreme Court ruling.

As the debate unfolds, the nation’s attention is turned to the Senate, where the future of this legislation hangs in the balance.