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Former Senior Aide to NY Gov. Accused of Acting as Chinese Spy

 September 4, 2024

A former top aide to Democrat New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as a foreign agent for China and allegedly received millions in benefits in return.

Linda Sun, a former aide to Hochul, and her husband, Chris Hu, have been indicted on federal charges of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering, and visa fraud, among others, as the Daily Wire reports.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has accused Sun of working on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) during her time as an aide to Hochul. Prosecutors allege that Sun’s actions were orchestrated to serve the interests of China, from blocking Taiwanese officials from interacting with New York State leaders to manipulating political messaging in favor of the PRC.

Allegations of Political Interference

Sun is accused of using her position to carry out various activities for the benefit of the Chinese government. According to federal investigators, she worked to block Taiwanese government officials from gaining access to senior New York State officials, a move allegedly intended to further China's interests in silencing Taiwan on the international stage. This activity came at the request of PRC and CCP representatives.

Additionally, the DOJ has stated that Sun altered the messaging of top New York State officers on issues deemed critical to the PRC and CCP. The goal was to ensure that New York's stance on key topics aligned more closely with Beijing's interests.

Unauthorized Actions and Benefits

Sun allegedly went further by arranging meetings between New York State officials and PRC delegations. In some instances, she attempted to facilitate a high-level trip by a New York politician to China. One particularly egregious allegation involves Sun securing official New York State proclamations for PRC representatives without proper authorization.

Federal prosecutors also contend that Sun used her position to obtain unauthorized invitation letters, which were then used to smuggle Chinese nationals into the United States. The unauthorized entry of these individuals into the country raises concerns about potential national security risks.

In return for these efforts, investigators say Sun received substantial benefits from the PRC government and its representatives. The benefits allegedly included event tickets, travel perks, and business promotions for a close family friend.

Financial Crimes and High-End Purchases

Sun's husband, Chris Hu, is also facing multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit bank fraud and money laundering. Prosecutors claim that Hu and Sun laundered millions of dollars through various transactions linked to PRC-based business activities. These funds were allegedly used to acquire real estate and luxury goods.

Investigators detailed several high-value purchases made by the couple, including a $4.1 million property in Manhasset, New York, and a $2.1 million condominium in Honolulu, Hawaii. The couple also reportedly bought luxury vehicles, including a 2024 Ferrari, with funds obtained through these illicit activities.

Personal Gains and Influence

Sun's alleged personal gains from her dealings with the PRC went beyond money. Federal investigators highlighted several personal perks, such as the employment of her cousin in China. Sun also reportedly received Nanjing-style salted ducks, delivered to her parents’ home, prepared by the personal chef of a PRC government official.

Additionally, Sun’s actions reportedly enabled her husband’s PRC-based business activities to flourish. Through her connections, Hu's business dealings reportedly saw millions of dollars facilitated by the PRC government, further enriching the couple.

Official Statement from the DOJ

In a statement released by the DOJ, officials highlighted the seriousness of the charges against Sun. "Acting at the request of PRC government officials and CCP representatives, Sun engaged in numerous political activities in the interests of the PRC and CCP," the statement read. These activities ranged from altering political messaging to arranging unauthorized meetings with PRC delegations.

Investigators emphasized the substantial benefits Sun and Hu received in return, including financial transactions worth millions, travel perks, and personal favors. The wide scope of the alleged crimes underscores the influence Sun wielded during her time as a senior aide to Governor Hochul.

National Security Concerns

The indictment against Sun and Hu raises significant national security concerns.  By allegedly facilitating the entry of unauthorized Chinese nationals into the United States, Sun’s actions potentially compromised U.S. immigration systems.

In addition, her efforts to shift political messaging in favor of China could have broader implications for the relationship between the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Moving Forward

The charges against Sun and Hu are part of a broader crackdown on foreign interference within the U.S. The DOJ has been increasingly focused on cases where foreign governments, particularly China, are suspected of influencing American political institutions and systems.

Sun and Hu now face serious legal consequences, with charges that carry the potential for significant prison time if they are convicted. The case is ongoing, and both defendants are expected to appear in federal court in the coming weeks.


The indictment of Linda Sun, a former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, alongside her husband Chris Hu, paints a troubling picture of foreign interference and financial crime. Sun allegedly conspired with Chinese officials to serve the interests of the PRC and the CCP while benefiting through a range of illegal activities.

From manipulating political access and messaging to facilitating the illegal entry of Chinese nationals, Sun’s actions have raised national security concerns. Both she and Hu are accused of laundering millions to purchase luxury items, all while furthering their personal and financial interests. The legal process will continue as federal prosecutors pursue the case.