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South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Discusses Not Being Vetted as Trump's VP

 June 24, 2024

Amid speculations, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem revealed she has yet to be formally vetted as a potential running mate for Donald Trump.

In "Meet the Press," Noem articulated her stance on the qualities needed for Trump's VP candidate, as reported by NBC News.

During Noem's appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" last Sunday, she said that she has not received formal vetting documents to be Donald Trump's vice president. Discussions about the ideal candidate to support Trump in his run were ongoing when she made her comments.

Noem emphasized the strategic value of including a woman on the ticket. Earlier in the month, she cited various polls, stating that a female running mate could bolster Trump's chances in swing states.

The Governor clearly expressed her perspective on the selection process. She mentioned that Trump alone makes the decision, and she believes he should choose a VP candidate who not only complements him but also increases his likelihood of winning.

Noem Addresses Controversial Memoir Incident

Another topic of discussion was a specific memoir controversy involving Noem. Critics previously targeted the Governor for a distressing anecdote about euthanizing a family dog. She defended including this story from two decades ago by explaining it was a protective act for her children against a dangerous animal.

Noem explained, "I would say that that was a story from 20 years ago about me protecting my children from a vicious animal," stressing that her memoir highlights several challenging times and tough decisions.

Additionally, Noem confirmed that she would omit a disputed claim in her memoir about meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from future editions. She indicated her decision to remove that particular anecdote by stating, "I'm not going just to talk about that."

Differing Abortion Views Between Noem and Trump

Gov. Noem also discussed her stance on abortion, a topic on which she and Trump have differing views. She supports South Dakota's very stringent abortion laws, which currently have no exceptions for rape or incest. This contrasts with Trump's position, as he has supported such exceptions.

When discussing state laws on such sensitive issues, Noem firmly believes that "the people decide," reflecting her advocacy for states' rights in determining their abortion policies.

Her alignment with Trump reappeared as they shared a similar stance on another divisive issue: the Jan. 6 rioters. Noem echoed Trump's view that officials should consider pardons individually. She elaborated, stating, "We need to look at every one of those cases individually."

Trump's VP Selection Process Narrows Down

Meanwhile, as Noem discusses her possible involvement, reports from NBC News surfaced last Friday indicating that Trump's search for a vice presidential candidate had been narrowed down to three men: Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. JD Vance, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.

Burgum, one of the contenders, echoed a sentiment of confidence in Trump's prospects, affirming, "President Trump can win this race regardless of who is vice president. He's got the luxury of not having to pick someone."

This development contrasts with Noem's observations on the potential benefits of selecting a woman as VP, showcasing the unpredictable nature of political strategies.

Concluding Thoughts on the VP Race and Controversies

In conclusion, while Gov. Kristi Noem has clarified that she is not currently being vetted for the VP position; her discussions with Trump and public comments suggest she remains a significant voice in Republican politics. Her approach to controversial topics, such as her memoir stories and stances on issues like abortion, highlight the complexities of aligning with Trump while maintaining her principles.

As the VP selection process unfolds, the political landscape remains attentive to Noem's potential future endeavors and the overall dynamics of the upcoming presidential race.