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Trump Campaign Opens Field Office to Court Latino Voters in Pennsylvania

 June 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign team has inaugurated its first field office in Reading, Pennsylvania, marking a significant effort to engage Latino voters in a crucial swing state.

The newly opened field office in the Keystone State underscores the Trump campaign’s strategy to capitalize on declining Latino support for President Joe Biden, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The opening event took place on Wednesday, drawing a crowd of approximately 50 people.

Notable figures in attendance included Republican U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick and former Gov. of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuno. This event symbolizes an important step in Trump’s campaign, targeting a key demographic that could influence the election outcome in this battleground state.

Reading: A Strategic Choice for Outreach

Reading is strategically located 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia and boasts a significant Latino population. With 67% of its 95,000 residents identifying as Latino, it stands as the city with the highest Latino population in the state. This makes it an ideal location for the Trump campaign to establish its presence.

In the broader context, only two other cities in Pennsylvania have a Latino population exceeding 50%, both within a two-hour distance from Reading. This concentration of Latino voters presents a vital opportunity for the Trump campaign, especially given the recent polling trends indicating waning Latino support for President Biden.

Key Swing State Dynamics

Pennsylvania’s political landscape remains a focal point for both the Trump and Biden campaigns. In the closely contested 2020 election, Trump lost Pennsylvania to Biden by a margin of just over 1%. However, in Berks County, which encompasses Reading, Trump secured a lead over Biden by nearly 17,000 votes.

This backdrop of competitive margins highlights the importance of engaging Latino voters, a demographic that could sway the electoral outcome. Recent polling reveals that Biden currently leads Trump among swing-state Latinos by 59% to 39%, a stark contrast to the 2020 exit poll where 69% of Hispanic/Latino voters in Pennsylvania supported Biden compared to 27% for Trump.

Building Momentum Across Constituencies

The opening of the Reading field office follows closely on the heels of another GOP office inaugurated in northeast Philadelphia, targeting Black voters. This earlier event featured prominent Republicans, including Texas Rep. Wesley Hunt, showcasing the campaign’s broader efforts to build support across diverse communities.

McCormick, speaking at the Reading event, emphasized the alignment of Republican values with many in the Latino community. “Republican values are very much aligned with many in the Latino community. It’s essentially the idea of creating an economy and creating an environment that allows people to pursue the American dream,” he stated.

He further elaborated on the principles of industriousness and a desire for safe communities and prosperous small businesses. “Industrious and hard-working, they want the best thing for their children and an economy where small businesses can prosper and create jobs and where they can raise their kids in communities that are safe. I think that lines up very well with the principles of the Republican Party,” McCormick added.

Biden Campaign’s Preemptive Moves

In contrast, the Biden campaign has already established a significant foothold in Pennsylvania with the opening of 24 field offices across the state. This extensive groundwork reflects a proactive approach to maintaining and potentially expanding support among various voter demographics, including Latinos.

The Trump campaign’s decision to open offices targeting specific voter groups, such as Latinos and black voters, underscores the competitive nature of the upcoming election. With both campaigns vying for crucial swing state votes, engaging and winning over these communities could be pivotal in determining the eventual victor.

The Importance of Latino Support

The Latino vote has emerged as a critical factor in Pennsylvania’s electoral dynamics. Given the narrow margins observed in recent elections, both Trump and Biden are keenly aware of the potential impact that this demographic can have. The Trump campaign’s focus on Reading, with its substantial Latino population, highlights this strategic priority.

As the election approaches, efforts to galvanize Latino voters in Reading and beyond are likely to intensify. Trump’s campaign is placing a calculated bet on reversing some of the losses experienced in 2020 by directly appealing to Latino values and concerns.


In conclusion, Donald Trump’s campaign has taken a significant step by opening a field office in Reading, Pennsylvania, with the goal of courting Latino voters in this key swing state.

The event saw participation from notable Republican figures and reflects a broader strategy to capitalize on declining Latino support for President Joe Biden.

With Pennsylvania’s political landscape highly competitive, the Trump campaign aims to sway Latino voters through targeted outreach initiatives, while Biden’s campaign remains proactive with its extensive network of field offices.

The importance of the Latino vote in Pennsylvania cannot be overstated, and both campaigns are likely to continue their efforts to win over this crucial constituency as the election draws closer.