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Trump Seeks To Overturn Manhattan Verdict in Wake of SCOTUS Immunity Ruling

 July 2, 2024

Former President Trump is attempting to overturn his conviction in his New York criminal case following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that grants substantial immunity to former presidents for official acts committed while in office.

Trump moved on Monday to overturn his criminal conviction in the Manhattan hush money case brought by D.A. Alving Bragg, as Fox News reports.

SCOTUS Ruling Alters Legal Landscape

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling has significant implications for former President Trump.

In a 6-3 vote, the court decided that former presidents possess substantial immunity for official acts committed while in office. This ruling could prompt a reevaluation of the charges against Trump.

The Supreme Court's decision resulted in Jack Smith's Jan. 6-related federal case being sent back to the trial court. The trial court is now tasked with determining the remaining aspects of special counsel Smith's indictment. This development has added a new layer of complexity to the legal proceedings.

In May, Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records. The charges were based on allegations that Trump had manipulated business records to cover up hush money payments. Trump, however, pleaded not guilty to all the counts.

Legal Maneuvers Following Court Ruling

Following the Supreme Court's ruling, Trump's lawyers swiftly filed a motion to dismiss the verdict in the hush money case.

This motion was filed on the same day that the district attorney's office submitted sentencing recommendations to Judge Juan M. Merchan. The motion to dismiss cites the Supreme Court's decision as a key factor in the defense team's argument.

Judge Merchan has received a letter from Trump's legal team requesting permission to file a motion to vacate the jury's Manhattan verdict.

This letter also asks for a delay of the July 11 sentencing, arguing that the evidence admitted at trial should not have been included in light of the Supreme Court's ruling.

The letter to Judge Merchan reflects the complex legal strategy employed by Trump's team. They are leveraging the Supreme Court's decision to challenge the validity of the evidence used against Trump in the Manhattan case.

Uncertainty Surrounds Sentencing Recommendations

The district attorney's office sent sentencing recommendations to Judge Merchan, but it remains unclear whether these recommendations will be made public. This element of uncertainty adds another layer of intrigue to the ongoing legal battle.

As the trial court prepares to reassess the case, the public and legal experts alike are keenly observing the developments. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for the legal interpretation of presidential immunity.

Trump's legal team is navigating a challenging legal landscape. The Supreme Court's ruling has provided them with a potent argument, but the trial court's reassessment will be crucial in determining the final outcome of the Manhattan case.

Next Steps in the Legal Battle

With the trial court potentially set to reassess the charges, the legal battle is far from over. Trump's motion to dismiss the verdict is a critical step in this ongoing saga. The court's decision on this motion will significantly impact the direction of the case.

Moreover, the request for a delay in sentencing adds another dimension to the proceedings.

If granted, this delay could provide Trump's legal team with more time to build its case and present additional arguments in light of the Supreme Court's ruling.

The legal strategies employed by both the prosecution and defense will be under intense scrutiny. Each side will aim to leverage the Supreme Court's decision to their advantage as the case progresses.