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Concertgoers from New York sue Madonna for allegedly starting her show 2 hours late

 January 21, 2024

Pop icon Madonna finds herself at the center of a legal controversy following a class-action lawsuit initiated by two concertgoers in New York.

The plaintiffs, Michael Fellows and Jonathan Hadden have brought the suit against the star, alleging that concerts at Barclays Center commenced two hours later than scheduled. This delay, they claim, is part of a consistent pattern of tardiness in Madonna's performances, as Fox Business reported.

The lawsuit was filed against Madonna, Barclays Center, and Live Nation and cites unfair and deceptive practices.

The plaintiff's complaint, which has gained class-action status in the New York court system, centers on the claim that Madonna's late start times at her "Celebration Tour" concerts led to various issues for attendees.

These included transportation difficulties and additional costs. The suit accuses the defendants of breach of contract, false advertising, negligent misrepresentation, and unfair/deceptive trade practices. Notably, this is not the first instance of such allegations against the singer; her past tours, including those in 2016 and 2019-2020, have been marked by similar complaints of tardiness.

Representatives for Madonna, Live Nation, and Barclays Center have not yet responded to the lawsuit. This silence from the defendants adds to the growing intrigue surrounding the case. The plaintiffs’ legal action points to a broader issue of accountability in the entertainment industry, especially concerning live performances.

A Pattern of Delay: Madonna's Concert History

The lawsuit filing highlights Madonna's history of late concert starts, drawing on examples from her previous tours. It states, "Madonna had demonstrated flippant difficulty in ensuring a timely or complete performance, and Defendants were aware that any statement as to a start time for a show constituted, at best, optimistic speculation." This excerpt underscores the frustration felt by fans who have repeatedly experienced delays at her shows.

Further supporting their claims, the suit details instances from Madonna's 2016 Rebel Heart Tour and the 2019-2020 Madame X Tour, where concerts consistently started over two hours late. These past instances are cited to establish a pattern of behavior, suggesting that the "Celebratin Tour" delays were not isolated incidents but part of a recurring issue.

According to a report by FOX Business, the lawsuit filed by New York residents Fellows and Hadden names Madonna, Barclays Center, and Live Nation for engaging in "unconscionable, unfair, and/or deceptive trade practices." This summary, offered in the lawsuit’s opening paragraph, encapsulates the core of the plaintiffs' argument against the defendants.

Behind the Scenes: Explaining the Delays

While the lawsuit portrays a pattern of delays, there have been occasions where specific reasons for the tardiness were cited. For instance, PEOPLE magazine, citing a source, reported that Madonna's December 13 show at Barclays Center was delayed by one hour due to "issues during soundcheck that caused the schedule to get delayed by an hour." This suggests that at least some of the delays might have had legitimate reasons behind them.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, Madonna's Celebration Tour was postponed in July 2023 due to her hospitalization for a serious bacterial infection. This medical emergency indicates that the pop star's touring schedule and performance timing could be influenced by factors beyond her control.

In their pursuit of legal action, the plaintiffs are challenging what they perceive as a disregard for the time and expenses of concertgoers. They argue that the consistent delays in Madonna's concerts constitute a breach of the implied contract between the artist and her audience, where timely performances are a reasonable expectation.

Legal Implications and Industry Standards

The class-action status of the lawsuit implies that the issues raised by Fellows and Hadden resonate with a larger group of affected individuals. It raises important questions about the responsibilities of artists and event organizers to their audiences. Moreover, the involvement of Live Nation and Barclays Center in the lawsuit highlights the role of concert venues and promoters in ensuring that events run as advertised.

The legal proceedings against Madonna and her co-defendants could set a precedent in the entertainment industry.

If the plaintiffs succeed, it could lead to more stringent standards and expectations regarding the punctuality of live performances. This case could potentially influence how concert times are advertised and managed in the future.

Public Response and Future Outlook

As the case proceeds, the public and industry observers are closely watching how it unfolds. The outcome of this lawsuit could influence not just the future conduct of Madonna and other artists but also the expectations and rights of concertgoers. For now, the music world waits to see if this legal challenge will bring about a change in the way live performances are conducted and promoted.

The controversy surrounding Madonna's concert delays presents a significant challenge to her reputation and raises broader questions about accountability in the music industry. As the legal process continues, the answers to these questions will likely have far-reaching implications for artists, promoters, and fans alike.