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Why Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Are Missing Major UK Military Parade

 June 15, 2024
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, along with their children, have again decided not to attend Trooping the Colour, a parade set to commemorate King Charles III's birthday on Saturday.

In a mark of continued estrangement from the Royal Family, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, along with their children, will not partake in the 2024 Trooping the Colour festivities, as Elle reports.

This omission follows their decision to step back from their roles as senior working members of the royal family in 2020, a decision that has had lasting implications on their involvement in royal duties and traditions.

Since their change in direction, they have established a life in Montecito, California, embracing what is supposedly a quieter, more private existence away from the constant public scrutiny that comes with royal duties.

Recent Tensions in Royal Connections

Since moving to the United States, the duke and duchess have made infrequent visits to the U.K. Prince Harry did return home in May 2024, although his visit did not include a meeting with King Charles III.

The palace confirmed that a meeting between Prince Harry and the king was not possible due to the monarch's full schedule. This has been the status since February 2024, when Prince Harry last met his father shortly after the king shared news of his cancer diagnosis, highlighting the increasingly sporadic nature of their personal interactions.

This distancing can be seen in the context of broader tensions within the royal family, exemplified by Meghan Markle's notable absence from royal events. Her last participation was during the Queen’s funeral, emphasizing a significant detachment from the royal ceremonial life.

Notably, she did not attend King Charles’ recent coronation, underscoring a firm stance on limiting her involvement with royal affairs, a decision highly influenced by the challenging experiences during the Queen’s death and subsequent funeral.

Royal reporter -- and Markle ally -- Omid Scobie recently discussed Meghan's position towards the royal family, pointing out her efforts to establish herself independently of her royal past. According to Scobie, Meghan's decision to not attend the coronation was not just about avoiding public frenzy, but a deeper desire to stay clear of past negativities associated with royal engagements.

The Road to Reconciliation Remains Unclear

The narrative of reconciliation or potential reintegration of Harry and Meghan into royal events remains complex and fraught with challenges.

Scobie expressed his take that the royal family has not yet made moves towards addressing the underlying issues that led to the Sussexes' decision to step back. He noted that while the royal family expressed a desire for accountability and dialogue, actions have been lacking, leaving little room for change in the relationship dynamics.

The situation reflects persistent undercurrents of discord, and with no invitations extended to Harry and Meghan for the second consecutive Trooping the Colour, it underscores a relationship still in need of healing.

The unofficial spokesperson for Harry and Meghan reiterated the understanding of the duke regarding his father’s commitments, yet the absence of direct interactions during significant family events suggests deeper narratives at play.

Public Speculation and Royal Family Dynamics

As the public watches these developments, the role and relationships of the Sussexes within the royal framework continue to provoke commentary and speculation.

The manner in which these relationships evolve will be crucial, not only for the family personally but also for their public personas and the broader public’s perception of the royal family dynamics.

In conclusion, the absence of Prince Harry, Meghan Mark, and their children at the 2024 Trooping the Colour is a significant indicator of the ongoing complexities within the royal family.

It not only reflects their current lifestyle choices and personal priorities but also underscores the broader issues of familial and institutional dynamics still to be addressed.

As they continue their life in California, the distance between the Sussexes and the royal family appears to remain, both physically and metaphorically.