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Woman to be set free after serving time for organizing her mother’s murder

 December 28, 2023

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, convicted for her role in her mother's murder, is set to be released from prison.

Blanchard, a Missouri woman who became a central figure in a highly publicized case involving the murder of her mother, Claudine"'Dee Dee" Blanchard, is expected to be released from prison after serving eight years of her sentence. The case, which drew significant media attention, involved a complex web of deception, abuse, and ultimately, a violent end to a troubled mother-daughter relationship, as reported by the Daily Mail.

The beginning of a tragic story

Gypsy Rose's story began with her mother, Dee Dee, who convinced everyone around them that Gypsy Rose was suffering from multiple serious illnesses.

This deception included convincing Gypsy Rose herself, who underwent numerous unnecessary medical procedures and treatments over the years.

Dee Dee's control over Gypsy Rose was extensive, extending to her social interactions and daily activities.

Gypsy Rose, confined to a wheelchair and subjected to constant medical attention, lived a life dictated by her mother's fabrications.

The relationship between Gypsy Rose and her mother was further complicated by Dee Dee's behavior, which many believe was indicative of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental health disorder in which a caregiver fabricates or induces illness in a person under their care for attention and sympathy.

Turning to the internet for escape

In her search for an escape from her oppressive life, Gypsy Rose turned to the internet, where she met Nicholas Godejohn. Their relationship, which started online, quickly evolved into a plan to free Gypsy Rose from her mother's control.

Their plan culminated in the murder of Dee Dee Blanchard in 2015, a crime that Gypsy Rose and Godejohn were both found guilty of. Gypsy Rose received a ten-year sentence, while Godejohn was sentenced to life in prison.

The murder, carried out by Godejohn, was a desperate act by Gypsy Rose to escape the abusive and controlling environment created by her mother. It was a shocking conclusion to a life filled with deception and suffering.

Public reaction and media portrayal

The case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard captured the public's attention, leading to numerous documentaries and a Hulu series.

The bizarre nature of the case, involving severe medical abuse and a violent end, sparked discussions on the complexities of mental health, abuse, and the criminal justice system.

Throughout the trial and subsequent media coverage, questions were raised about the nature of Gypsy Rose's involvement in the murder and the extent of her culpability, given the years of abuse she endured.

The story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard serves as a stark reminder of the hidden realities of abuse and the desperate measures some may take to escape it.

Looking ahead to freedom and reflection

As Gypsy Rose Blanchard prepares for her release, the case continues to evoke strong emotions and discussions about justice, mental health, and the impact of abuse.

Her story is a complex tapestry of victimization, survival, and the search for freedom from oppression.

The aftermath of the case leaves many pondering the balance between justice and compassion, especially in cases involving victims who become perpetrators.

Gypsy Rose's impending release marks a new chapter in a life that has been defined by extraordinary circumstances. It remains to be seen how she will navigate a world vastly different from the one she was isolated from for so long.


  • Gypsy Rose Blanchard, involved in her mother's murder, is set to be released after eight years in prison.
  • The case highlighted issues of abuse, mental health, and the criminal justice system.
  • Gypsy Rose's story continues to raise questions about justice, compassion, and the aftermath of abuse.